9 OPPOSITION MOUNTS F O O T ================================

  • H O L D



PRAY Give me an open mind as I study the Scriptures today, please Lord.

READ Mark 2:18-28.

THINK What does this passage teach about your relationship with God? What steps can you take to make sure your life is inspired by lively, wholehearted devotion to Jesus rather than grim, tight- fisted attitudes? —————————————————————— FOCUS The Jewish religious leaders continually criticised Jesus, often on pernickety, fussy issues. FASTING (18-22). Only one day in the whole year was set apart in the Old Testament for fasting. Yet many Jews fasted more often because of tradition. Fasting can have an important place in our lives; it can play a valuable part in our worship. But, whether we fast or not, our Christianity should be flavoured by joy. Joy comes from knowing that Jesus is with us (19). Wine was stored in special sewn-up animal skins. When new they would expand with the still fermenting wine, but when old they became hard and brittle. The truth Jesus brought was new wine – it would not fit into the stiff traditions of the old systems. It was a new way of coming to God and a new way of serving him. The church, too, should be flexible, ready to move into exciting new ways of life to which Jesus is calling us through his Spirit. THE SABBATH (23-28). God had instituted the Sabbath holiday for people’s benefit (Exodus 20:8-11), but by the time of Jesus many human traditions had been added. Various categories of work forbidden on the Sabbath had been itemised. Threshing was one of them. According to the Pharisees, rubbing an ear of corn in your hand and eating it was threshing; this was forbidden on the Sabbath. But Jesus makes it clear that basic needs, like the need for food, can be satisfied. Some laws are necessary in any society. But laws must be for the good of people, as God’s laws are. ==========