Dial A Prayer




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Phil Scovell

Have you ever noticed the different responses you get from people who dial the wrong telephone number? When they are told, “No, I’m sorry. You’ve dialed the wrong number,” some slam down the phone, some cuss, some experience brain-lock; maintaining connection and breathing heavily into the mouth piece, others insist they dialed correctly, “So quit playing around and put Shirley on the phone.” Funnier yet is what happens next. Usually they immediate redial your number again. When they have been informed, for the second time, they have misdialed, they then get good and mad! Most of us pray like that.

For years I prayed religiously for at least forty-five minutes each day. I had my little list and prayed over each item faithfully. If I was in a hurry, I could breeze through my list in twenty minutes; but admittedly I did not feel quite as spiritual afterward. I, like the dedicated phone dialer, was doing everything I knew to do; yet not getting through. No matter how long, how often, how faithful, or how sincere we may be, if we dial/pray incorrectly; even if we get the correct number of digits, we will still be unable to receive an answer.

About this time, many Christians stomp their foot and confess: “I’m doing the best I can.” That may certainly be true but Father God is not obligated to answer prayers based on “your best.” He promises, however, to answer any and all our prayers based upon His best – His Word…”If you abide in me, and my Words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you;” (John 15:7-8). If we proclaim that such is unfair, we are just as wrong as the person who dials the incorrect phone number and then blames the person on the other end. Stop complaining about always getting the wrong number and learn how to “REACH OUT AND TOUCH” your Heavenly Father. PETITIONING

I JOHN 5:14-15 And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. Most interpret this to mean, “Well, maybe He will and maybe

He won’t.” Or, “I’ll pray about it for awhile and if I don’t get my answer, well then, it just isn’t God’s will.” That is blaming God when it is we who have dialed incorrectly. The passage concludes with, “and we know that we have the petitions that we DESIRED.” Jesus said, “You shall ASK what you will, and it shall be done unto you;” (John 15:7). These two words, “desired” and “ask” are the same Greek word. Both passages, I John 5:14-15 and John 157,, say that WE are to ASK and if we do so, not only are we assured an answer – “and it shall be done unto you” – but we can likewise pray with “confidence” – boldness.

The problem most of us face when praying is what does it mean if we don’t receive an answer? “Well, it must not have been God’s will or I would have gotten my answer?” Is that how you dial a friend on the phone? Do you dial and then, if there is no answer, assume they did not wish to talk to you? Do you give up and say, “Well, I’m never going to call that person again. They just don’t want to talk to me.” Then why pray that way? If God does not answer a particular prayer right away, why would we assume He is disinterested in doing so; especially when He said He wanted to answer our petitions? What happened to faith? Stop being paranoid. Just keep praying and claiming His promises. He said He would answer. If you do not have faith when you pray, don’t dial His number…it will look like He, God, is not home or that He is not interested in hearing from you. ILLUSTRATION

The first time I applied for a business loan, I discovered: 1: I was asking for more than they were willing to lend, and 2: my request was made according to my terms; instead of the bank’s. When the loan officer explained the bank’s terms, I reapplied and secured a loan. Knowing the bank’s terms and asking according to those terms made the difference. So it is with God. We either ask according to His terms or experience rejection and frustration. If we, on the other hand, are willing to conform to His terms for asking, we can petition Him with great confidence – boldness. Thus, interpret I John 5:14 as: “And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His (terms), He hears us.”

The word “petitions” in I John 5:15, “and we know that we have the “petitions” that we desired of Him,” is also found in one of Paul’s epistles. PHILIPPIANS 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your”requests” be made known unto God. The word “requests” is the same Greek word translated

“petitions” in I John 5:15. Thus we discover God’s terms for asking: “Prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving.” PRAYER

It is amazing how often we pray without ever really praying. We tell Him all about the problem and how difficult it is for us. We inform Him on just how worried we are that things are not going to turn out. We remind the Lord that He did not do too well the last time we asked Him for help – probably because we’re such a poor Christian – and we even doubt that He will do much this time; but, bless God, we ask nevertheless. So much for praying.

If we are going to petition God, we must ask. The word for “prayer” in Philippians 4:6 means exactly that – to ask. The Greek word (proseuche) for “prayer” simply means to pray. Its prefix, (pro), means (forward) or )in front). DIALING #1

Calling long distance has been made convenient with “dial 1” service. The days of requiring the assistance of an operator are nearly gone. Now we simply press #1, followed by an area code, followed by the seven digit number. When you pray, REMEMBER to “dial #1.” Do not forget the (pro) of prayer – in front – where God is. Place the God of answered prayer “in front” where He belongs. Turn from the natural realm where the problem resides, and step into the supernatural where God, who is Spirit, lives. It is there, in the spiritual realm, where our petitions are presented before our Heavenly Father. Remember, however, to be sure to put on the whole armor of God as you do so. [See Eph. 6:10-18 for instructions]. As we do so, we will be spiritually giving conception and God will thus give life, answer, to our prayer.

Following conception, there is a period of gestation – development – which precedes birth. If prayer, petitioning, is spiritual conception, supplication is that period of gestation and should be maintained until the answer is given – bORN. This period of time, the time of supplication, is Scriptural confirmation.

When a mother conceives, she has nine months in which to CARRY her child. Her body changes physically because she now has different needs chemically. Her emotions shift because of hormonal changes. She eats differently and watches her diet. Wise moms abstain from certain foods and activities to provide the fullest protection possible for the growing child. Adequate rest and proper sleep ADDITIONALLY play an important roll as the baby develops. This period of gestation is, spiritually speaking, supplication. and it is only the beginning.

After conceiving in the spiritual realm, it will take diligent watchfulness if that petition, prayer, is ever to be born. Again examining Ephesians 6:10-18, we see that we are doing spiritual battle when we pray. We are additionally commanded: “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” The “watching”, protecting, is supplication. It is during that period of gestation, development, in which we take God’s Holy Word and confirm His promises. Such agreement with God is what Jesus was teaching His disciples in John 15:7-8: “If you “abide” in me, and my Words “abide” in you.” This word, “abide,” is translated elsewhere in the King James Version as (abode, dwell, remain, tarry, continue, endure, present), and (stand). Such is the nature, character, of “supplication.” Protect your petitions by confirming the promises of God’s Word perpetually. How long should you practice such prayer? Until you receive an answer!

If you get the idea that personal responsibility is ended when you receive an answer to your prayers, think again. Paul said that when such petitions were made, it was to be done by “prayer, supplication, and with thanksgiving.” This giving of thanks is available to every Believer for the expressed purpose of protecting that petition until maturity – fruition. This “thanksgiving” is an attitude of spiritual contentment. How can we be spiritually content when the answer has not yet come? By faith!

Many Christians express concern over giving thanks in advance of any answer not yet experienced. This attitude of contentment is not thanking God for an answer not yet received. It is thanking God for being the God of every circumstance. It is appreciating God for having the power to answer our requests. It is the utilization of God’s promises in the spirit of agreement. It is seeing, knowing, that God hears and answers the prayers of His people. the expression of such spiritual contentment demonstrates our faith. The greek word for “thanksgiving” means the usage of grateful language. Hence; worship. Worship god during the period of gestation. It is perhaps our most powerful weapon as believers.

It is amazing how often a baby, then a child, and finally a teenager, tries to kill themself during the various stages of growth development. Falling during the weeks of learning to walk, cracking their head on the corner of the coffee table, rolling down the stairs, getting bitten by the dog, scratched by the cat, and stung by a bee all contribute to their early education. Later they discover touching hot stoves, crashing bicycles, falling from trees, stepping on rusty nails, breaking bones, stapling fingers together, hammering thumbs, scraping knees, and rolling off top bunks as useful tools for increasing their knowledge of life as growing children. Then it gets worse. Parents spend most of this time simply trying to protect their children from doing great bodily harm to themselves.

How far are you willing to go to protect your prayers? How much time are you willing to spend in worshiping god as you wait for your petition to be answered? When it is answered, how much time is generally spent in praise and adoration of the God who heard and answered your request? If this aspect of petitioning is overlook or neglected, the Devil, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, will rob us of many blessings. Show spiritual contentment when you petition God. Exercise thanksgiving. IT’S RINGING

I caution you not to consider these three steps, prayer supplication, and thanksgiving; as a prayer formula by which you can twists God’s arm. Simply think of them as the “elements” of prayer and be careful to incorporate them in your petitioning of the Heavenly Father. It’s like dialing long distance: First press #1, [prayer]. Next the area code: [supplication]. and finally the number: [thanksgiving.] He’s never busy, and, once it starts ringing; never hang up! By the way, it’s toll free; call often.