Excerpt From Angel In The Fire From: Angel in the Fire by Frances Roberts

O My little one, you have not yetbegun to fathom the depths of My love. You will only understand as you reachout to Me from the depths of sorrow, trouble or heartbreak. For the deeper your need, the moreabundantly I give. And there is nodepth My love cannot plumb & no griefMy comfort cannot assuage.You know Me in part, and you lookthrough a darkened glass because youhave experienced in part. You havesuffered in degrees, but as you enter more deeply into the waters of suffering, you will come to realize thatthere is no limit to My understandingand no point at which you will everbe separated from the consolation ofMy Holy Spirit. It is in the silence of sorrow thatyou will find My love most sweet. It is in the aloneness of grief thatyou will learn how rich is My companionship. You will know Me, My child,in the brightness of My glory when Ijoin you in the darkness of yourdesolation.
You have not reached that place? Itwill come: and when it comes, you will remember what I am telling you now, andyou will not fear. You will instinctively know that the darkness has no powerand that human solitude is the counterpart of divine companionship, and youwill move out of the shadow and intothe sunlight and swiftly as revelationdispenses doubt and love displaces loss.

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