Nearing Year 2000 A Letter F

Nearing year 2,000


(As imagined by one of His children)

Dear Citizens of Earth:

It is of utmost importance that I write these words unto you, for very, very soon my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, will come again and He will receive unto Himself the redeemed of all the ages. So be ready, be working, and be watching, for He may come at any moment!

Truly my heart is grieved to see how that sin abounds on every side, and how so few children of mine are walking in the center of my will! Have not I told you that the fields are white unto the harvest, and the labourers are few? Have not I told you, through my prophet, Daniel, that those who turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever? Have not I told you that even a cup of water, given’ in my name, shall not lose its reward? So why do you delay doing the most important work that man can do – witnessing for Me, and the winning of souls?

My heart breaks to see the multitude of so-called churches that have not only lost their first love, who were founded by great men of God, but they have departed from the faith! The fundamental truths of my Bible are being denied, and the congregations are not being warned regarding the wages of sin and of judgment to come, and no invitation is given so that lost souls will have the opportunity to accept my beloved Son as their own personal Savior. To add to their sin these so-called churches have no Sunday night services, no visitation programs, or no mid-week prayer meetings, so the idea of scheduling any revival meetings are not even considered, for these churches are already dead!

To those who have denied the faith let me warn you of the wrath to come, unless you repent, and place your faith in Jesus alone. However, if you continue in your sin, and preach not the glorious gospel, once delivered to the saints, the blood of your `flock’ I will require at your hand.

I do want to commend and to encourage all the children of mine who are obeying my commandments, for in obeying them they are proving that they love me. My heart has been thrilled countless times as I hear the choirs of angels sing in heaven, for by their zeal and their harmony I know that another sinner has repented and called on the name of my beloved Son for salvation. I also know and see and love each child of mine who has led that particular soul to the Redeemer, and you can be sure that your treasures in heaven will be great. So keep on keeping on, till I come again.

To those of you who are reading this letter, who have not yet repented of your sins, let me plead with you to do so, while there’s still time! Truly the only way to heaven is by placing your faith in my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for He paid your sin debt on calvary. Unless you do so the day will come when you will pray that the mountains will fall on you, but death will flee from you, and after you face my Son at the judgment seat you will be sentenced for an eternity in hell’s fire, where there is never any relief or hope of escape. My `Official Pardon’ for your sins has been signed in the precious blood of my dear Son, and all you have to do is to reach out and take it. O, I beg of you, please don’t reject the priceless gift of eternal life through Jesus!

Before I close this letter to the citizens of the earth, let me remind you of a few very important truths. First, you have heard me say that the eye hath not seen, nor entered into the heart of man, the wonders that I have prepared for those that love me. Believe me, when you have been in heaven just one hour you will realize that all the pain and sorrow and persecution was nothing in comparison to the joys you will realize! The blessedness of meeting with your loved ones and friends who have gone on before, and the thrill of meeting all the great saints of all the ages will be almost unimaginable! However, your thrill of thrills and your joy of joys will be when you meet Jesus face to face! Your love for my dear Son will even be greater when you see for yourself the thorn-marks in his brow, those nail-prints in his hands, and the spearmark in his side! Then when my Son greets you, and gives you a new name and the rewards that you have won, how marvelous and wonderful and thrilling it will be for you if you have found favor with him and you merit his “Well done!” It is my prayer and my fondest wish that this will he your priceless reward!

So till I meet you in heaven, through Jesus Christ, my beloved Son, I pray that you will he working, watching, and praying.

Worlds of love from,


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