Shall We Bow Down

Shall We Bow Down?

. The story of the three children of Israel in the fiery furnace in the third chapter of the Old Testament book of Daniel is rightly considered a religious classic. It has had an enduring popularity and importance for those of Jewish and Christian persuasions. It’s also been a favorite passage for exposition in pulpits as well as the inspiration for much religious art and music.

. One of the major points that is often emphasized when the story is brought to our attention (such as in a sermon) is God’s miraculous deliverance of those who were brave enough to be faithful to what they knew was right. The three men had been tied up and thrown into a furnace of fire, but God sent an angel to preserve and deliver them from death. A dramatic and remarkable event, indeed.

. But one thing that especially impresses me each time I read this Biblical passage is the statement of the three men in verses 17 and 18: “Our God is able to deliver us … but even if he doesn’t we will not serve or worship your gods.” Even if he doesn’t. They had received no promise from God for deliverance. They were simply convinced about what was right and were willing to stand for the right rather than bow down to the Babylonian idols even if it meant for them a painful death. They had to buck the pressure of the crowd (“everybody” was doing it, why not them?), the governmental authority (I made this image, and it’s the law that you bow down to it!), and their own natural desire for self-preservation. Although they were delivered in the end, they weren’t sure that they would be — they were literally facing death, yet their moral values were more important to them than their own temporal lives.

. It’s easy to “stand up” for right when there’s no cost involved. But when the whole world around us is trying to squeeze us into its mold; when resistance may cost us our reputation, our friends, our material goods, or even our lives; it’s then that we see the real strength of our inner convictions and our commitment to act accordingly.

. Idols exist in abundance today in our own cultural environment. There is the widespread worship of wealth and prosperity, the great god Mammon (it’s even written “In God We Trust” on the face of our currency). Many worship the great god Nation (“It’s my country, right or wrong.”). And many desperately crave the acceptance and respect of some “in” group, the great god Party.

. The reverence and respect of the majority for the idols of today creates an intense pressure on us to conform to the common worship. For those who resist such worship, the cost can be high. For those who develop a simple, non-materialistic life-style; for those who take a critical stance toward the wrongs and injustices they see in their government, their society, their world; for those who realize that the acceptance and respect of the “in” group is not worth seeking. But the one who wishes to live completely from God’s perspective should be prepared to pay the price, for “all who wish to live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” (II Timothy 3:12)

. It’s not easy to stand against the idols of our society, especially when so many Christians are bowing down around us. But how else will the idols be seen for what they really are? God doesn’t promise to always deliver us from the cost, but to always give us the strength (if we really want it) to stand up for the right rather than to bow down to false values and priorities.

Charles Shelton

Computers for Christ – Chicago