Testimony Of a Turtle




BBS: 303-935-6323




I was eating lunch with my family and listening to the kids discuss my eleven year old daughter’s newly acquired turtle Herman. My eight year old son, his voice muffled as he spoke around a sandwich said, “Yea, Herman has a bent shell.” His sister immediately shot back, “Oh, right! God made a mistake when he made Herman!”

I had been facing depression for many months following the folding of my first church after only eleven months. I felt worthless and valueless. I had no job, my wife was working, and I found it difficult to be thankful. Although I kept telling myself I wasn’t a failure, somehow I found it impossible to believe. Upon hearing my children talk about the turtle, I suddenly realized that God in fact makes no mistakes. I had just read the day before how God created all the stars, knew their number, and even personally named them all (Psalm 147:4). I had been quoting the words of our Lord to myself for several days concerning the fact that He knew the number of the hairs on our head (Matt. 10:29-31). I know it doesn’t seem like much but the realization that God doesn’t make mistakes with His own creation, even turtles, encouraged me greatly. It was time to stop and thank God He had created me and that He still cared for me (I Peter 5:7). Paul likewise confirmed that we are created in His image and for His glory (I Cor. 11:7). Furthermore, no one can acuse us any longer since we have confessed Him as Lord of our lives. We have been reconciled in the body of His flesh through His resurrection and He presents us holy, unblamable, and unreproveable (Col. 1:21-22). In short, no one can lay anything to our charge because the Saviour paid the eternal price for sin; be they recent or past, even sins future. Perhaps we should listen to the testimony of God’s turtle – God makes no mistakes!

Ekklesia Resources Inc.
P.O. Box 19454
Denver, Colorado 80219

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