Twos And Threes prayer


“Away in foreign lands they wondered

How their simple words had power!
At home the Christians, two or three,

Had met to pray an hour!”

Matthew 18:20

God, in all ages, has carried on revival ministries in the assemblies of His saints through an undefeatable small praying number. The praying “twos and threes” again and again have prevailed with God and thus reversed what otherwise were hopeless situations. Numerous examples of this fact are found in both Testaments. These intercessors “stood in the gap” and turned the tide in favor of the people of God.

Thus did Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Through prayer they “subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, …stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire.” Outnumbered seven million to one, the godly remnant prevailed. Undreamed-of blessing descended upon the people of God through their utter dependence upon the God of all grace.

Isaiah, Hezekiah, and their praying companions succeeded in the face of overwhelming odds. In answer to their deliverance, one hundred eighty-five thousand of Sennacherib’s army fell in a night under a stroke of God. Thus God interposed when all hope seemed lost.

Ezra and his praying companions at the river Ahava secured God’s special favor for the whole nation. Their boast in God was amply sustained. God gave them more protection than a regiment of royal soldiers would have assured. They abundantly approved the assertion made to the king, viz: “THE HAND OF OUR GOD IS UPON ALL THEM FOR GOOD THAT SEEK HIM; BUT HIS POWER AND HIS WRATH IS AGAINST ALL THEM THAT FORSAKE HIM” (Ezra 8:22)

Saints under the leadership of Haggai and Zechariah by their prayerful devotion to God obtained the completion of the second temple and the revival of the nation. In answer to their united supplications, “The Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel …and the spirit of Joshua …and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and did work in the house of the Lord of hosts, their God” Haggai 1:14.

The New Testament abounds with numerous examples of how SMALL PRAYING GROUPS repeatedly called down blessing from God, turned defeats into victories, and barrenness into astounding fruitfulness. The disciples of Pentecost obtained blessings for a sin-hardened nation. Had we taken the religious census of Judah and Jerusalem we would have reported as follows: “Modernists, 3,000,000; Fundamentalists, approximately 500.” (I Cor. 15:6). Yet the SMALL PRAYING GROUPS in one day wrested 3,000 precious souls from the domination of false religious leaders. Later, thousands more believed. Paul and his friends by prayer opened cities and countries to the Gospel.

God is the same today. Small praying groups count upon God’s faithfulness even when conditions seem desperate and hope is at the lowest ebb! Moses secured God’s favor on a chance (Ex. 32:30). Jonathan and his armorbearer prevailed on an “it may be” (I Sam. 14:6). The king of Neneveh turned God’s wrath from his people on a “Who can tell?” (Jonah 3:8-10). The great triumphs are all trophies of prayer.

Our faithfull God still loves to honor intercession. Pray for a revival. “Stand in the gap!” Plead! Plead the victory of the cross, the blood of Christ, the unfailing promises, the name of the Lord Jesus. By spiritual weapons pull down the strongholds of Satan. Bring about the confession and forsaking of sin, renewal of faith, and the removal of worldliness. Back of the “professing church” is the mighty power of the risen Lord. Pray, and get others to pray with you for revival. THE REVIVAL OF THE CHURCH always has been by PRAYER. EVANGELIZATION OF THE WORLD must be by PRAYER. The SMALL PRAYING GROUP through the power of the Holy Spirit is undefeatable.

“PRAY YE THEREFORE” is the word of Jesus as He calls our attention to the whitened harvest fields.

He is seeking for those who will “come to the help of the Lord against the mighty.” There are multitudes of heathen hearts to be convicted, missionaries to be strengthened, doors to be opened, walls of opposition to be broken down.

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” Matthew 18:20

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