Walk A Little Plainer Daddy

A Walk With His Dad

Walk a little plainer daddy

Said a little boy so frail
I’m following in your footsteps

And I don’t want to fail
Sometimes your steps are very plain

Sometimes they are so hard to see
So walk a little plainer daddy

For you are leading me.

I know that once you walked this way

Many years ago
And what you did along the way

I’d really like to know
For sometimes when I am tempted

I don’t know what to do
So walk a little plainer daddy

For I must follow you.

Someday when I’m grown up

You are like I want to be
Then I will have a little boy

Who will want to follow me
And I would want to lead him right

And help him to be true
So walk a little plainer daddy

For we must follow you.

(Author Unknown)

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