What Is Most Important To You


If you were apporached on the street and asked, “What is most improtant to you in life?” – what would you reply? Perhaps your answer would be like one on the cover of this tract…or perhaps you would say, “I never really thought about it, but I agree, it is worth thinking about.”

The most important thing in life to most of us is our QUALITY OF LIFE NOW and our ETERNAL DESTINY. Don’t you agree YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE NOW and YOUR ETERNAL DESTINY are important TO YOU also?

Aren’t you glad that God did not make us ROBOTS? He gave us minds with which we can reason and choose. God wants our love and obedience, but ONLY as an act of our will and choice. The Bible, God’s Word, declares, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) God is sinless and our sin makes eternal separation from Him necessary unless there can be some way of salvation. (Isaiah 59:1,2) Now comes our decision…we can choose to accept or reject God’s terms for our salvation.

Like most people, you may already have some hope of heaven. Upon what do you base that hope? In other words, why should God let you into His holy, perfect, spotless heaven? Please write your answer here:

My hope of getting to heaven is: ___________________________________

Date _______________ Signed ________________________________________

Are you depending on some form of your own human effort for salvation?

YES ___________ NO ___________ PARTLY ___________

Now, you may be surprised as we compare your answers to the Bible, God’s Word: All our righteousness (human efforts to help earn our own salvation) are as filthy rags — in God’s sight. (Isaiah 64:6) Many will say to God in the day of judgement: Lord, have we not done many, wonderful WORKS? But He will say to them, “I never knew you: depart from me — ” (Matthew 7:21-23)

You may be wondering, WHY does God view our human efforts to help earn salvation as “filthy rags”? It is because He has already provided FULL PAYMENT for our salvation and when we try to help earn it, we are actually REJECTING HIS PAYMENT. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world (including you) that He GAVE His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. He that believeth not on Him is not condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:16, 18)

You may be like many people who say, “No one ever explained this to me before!” And if you are wise, you certianly don’t want to reject God’s gracious, loving offer of salvation. It was paid for by the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.

Your next question may be, “If I can’t even HELP earn my own salvation, what must I do to meet God’s TERMS for my salvation — what must I do to be saved?” The “GOOD NEWS” of this tract will answer your questions.
God’s terms are clear! “Believe on the Lord Jesus Chrsit and thou shalt be saved –.” (Acts 16:30,31)

What does it mean to believe on Christ? It is more than believing ABOUT Him. We must abandon all other hope! We must no longer try to EARN our salvation. We must TRUST, DEPEND, RELY on the shed Blood of Christ ALONE, 100%, as the ONLY payment for our sins.

By God’s grace, I will stop trying to earn my onw salvation and from this moment on, I will BELIEVE (TRUST, DEPEND, RELY) on the death of Christ ALONE, 100% as the ONLY payment for my sins and salvation.

Date __________________ Signed ___________________________________

Bible Believers’ Evangelistic Association Rt. 3, Box 92
Sherman, Texas 75090