Baker Gets The Publicity

Baker Gets The Publicity

One of the great news media fads these days is making much over people like Baker and Swaggart, and quietly pushing Roman Catholic transgressions under the rug. This is to be expected from a solidly pro-Roman Catholic press, and you wouldn’t expect anything else. Occasionally, however, something gets out on the second or third page in a foreign newspaper that CBS and NBC simply fail to pick up.

We cite from The Gazette, Montreal, Thursday, Jan. 23, 1990. “Vancouver–Roman Catholic priest Luke Meunier, recently ordered extradited from Florida to British Columbia to face child molestation charges, has died in the Florida prison. He was to face seven charges in British Columbia.”

Second item, “St. Paul–Bishop Raymond Roy said a Roman Catholic priest in the northern Elberta community of St. Paul has been removed from his parish for alleged misconduct involving youths. The priest is the third in the St. Paul diocese to face allegations in the past year.” The moral lesson is clear, if you fornicate with young men and molest little children, you won’t have to worry about bad publicity, provided you are a Roman Catholic. If you are a “Charismatic,” that is something different .