Racial Prejudice

Recently, the United States was host to one of the greatest sideshows of hypocrisy ever staged by the radical,
left-wing District Court Judges and
Democratic Senators. A man named
BERNHARD GOETZ was sentenced to SIX
MONTHS IN PRISON with a five-thousanddollar
fine for using an unlicensed
pistol and shooting four punks who were ARMED with sharpened screwdrivers.

At the same time, CARL ROWAN, a black syndicated columnist, shot and
wounded an unarmed intruder on his
property with an UNLICENSED GUN and
wasn’t fined fifteen cents. You ask
why? Because he was black! And
according to all the outcries for
“social justice” by Jesse Jackson and
his friends, “social justice” is only
BLACK in a case that involves unlicensed guns.

Nobody is overstating anything, nobody is writing this article from a
prejudiced point of view. Anyone can
get the facts on Carl Rowan and Bernhard Goetz, that are NATIONALLY known.

Marcus Blanton in the Scott
County Times writes, “Mr. Jordan Perry
in his letter to the editor in the June 8, 1988, edition of your paper states
that race is not, and should not be, an issue in education. Yet, in almost the same breath he says that WHITE teachers who have never taught BLACK students
don’t know how to talk to them, treat
them, or communicate with them, implying there must be some RACIAL DIFFERENCE to which teachers must be exposed before
they can do an adequate job teaching one of a DIFFERENT RACE. Let’s be honest,
Mr. Perry, race is all-important to YOU. You are an official of an organization
whose SOLE AIM IS TO PROMOTE RACE! YOUR RACE! I am personally sick of you and
your cohorts asking for equality but in reality demanding PREFERENCE and using
blackmail to achieve these ends.”

That is true in the Goetz-Rowan case. The black received preferential
treatment because of RACIAL PREJUDICE.