Wanted Proof Reader

1. Must have a degree.
2. Must have formal training in Greek and Hebrew. 3. Must regard details more important than substance. 4. Must give priority to spelling over doctrine. 5. Must strain gnats and swallow camels. 6. Mustravoid truth in order to detect human error. 7. Must live in Florida.
8. Must edit a critical newsletter.
9. Must work only for attention and recognition.

If you know of a person like this, please contact the editors of the Flaming Torch and the BBB as soon as possible.

We have decided to hire Gary Hudson as a proofreader for all of our material. In the near future, I will send him a free copy of one of our books ever two months for the next two years, with a request that he correct them. He can find all the mistakes in them and send back the corrections to us neatly typed, double spaced. I have realized for a long time that most of my work has been done in a tearing hurry and has certainly lacked the time to be checked over thoroughly and carefully. They probably have many mistakes in them, and I can think of nothing better than to have a good critic go through them and mark the mistakes for us. I think we will offer Gary $5.00 per book to proofread them. It will be a real help to us and will give him something constructive to do.