A Letter From Robert Long

Why I Left Ruckmanism Because of the Ruckman Conspiracy

The above heading is the title of two booklets promoted by the BBF at Springfield, Missouri, through the Bible Baptist Tribune. One is written by a man we call “Hot Dog Hymers,” and the other one is by Gary Hudson. We thought our readers might be interested in the comment of a born again, saved, soul winning, retired U.S. Coast Guard officer, Robert Long, of Dover, Delaware:

“Dear Dr. Ruckman, enclosed is Dr. Hymers’s reply to my letter. Please note:

“1. Dr. Hymers never justifies his preoccupation with Dr. Ruckman, a subject totally without bearing on the matter whether the AV is or is not inerrant. He is only using you as a smoke screen .

“2. Dr. Hymers never used any scripture in Hebrew, Greek, or English to prove God’s word is preserved in the Hebrew and Greek only.

“3. Dr. Hymers never used Biblical criteria to prove the AV was in error.

“4. Dr. Hymers never used scripture to correct me in any area of doctrine. I can only believe that both Hymers and Hudson do not want to believe in the AV AND THAT THEY ARE GRASPING AT ANYTHING THEY CAN TO JUSTIFY NOT BELIEVING IN IT.

“I believe that both books are totally without substance, unbiblical, and ignore overwhelming evidence contrary to their position. How can it be taken seriously by anyone interested in the truth of God?”

Answer: It can’t, and there isn’t a Bible believing American who takes such nonsense seriously. Hymers and Hudson are simply doing what the faculty at Bob Jones has done for thirty years. They are “preoccupied with Ruckman, a subject totally without bearing on the matter.” They are using Ruckman “as a smoke screen.” They can never use Biblical criteria “to prove the AV is in error.” They do “not want to believe in the AV,” and they do grasp for anything they can “to justify not believing in it.” Hymers and Hudson are “more of the same.” You can get it at any major Christian school in America.