The Greatest Book


For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.

By the greatest book, we mean a book that has outsold more than two times as many copies as any four books combined. So, when we talk about the greatest book ever printed upon this earth, we’re not talking about some work by Mao Tse Tung, or Karl Marx, or Einstein; or anything in the Harvard five-foot shelf of so-called classics. The greatest book ever printed on this earth by all odds, bar none, has been the King James 1611 Authorized Version Holy Bible!

This amazing book of 1611 has gone into over 927,200,000 copies. With about 60,000 books written about it’s text; It has been translated into over 800 languages. This book has been printed at a rate of as much as 8 million copies per year.

So then This Holy Bible is by far the most outstanding book the world has ever seen. The combination of the so-called Living Bible, and the New ASV, and the ASV and the NIV, combined cannot total half the sales for the King James 1611 Authorized Version. And in 1611 this amazing book was put out, that outsold and out-distributed more than 10 times as many copies as any two books combined.

As a matter of fact, the so-called modern translations, which have behind them the high-powered sales pitch, of the madison avenue promotional type of gimmick, and FALSE advertising, have not yet been able to put out one-fourth as many bibles as this amazing book of 1611.

This Holy Book is far superior to the original manuscripts for a number of reasons. This Authoritative Bible is written in English and the universal language of the world *IS* ENGLISH, not Greek, therefore it’s far superior to the original manuscripts, that are written in a language that is a dead language today. And less that one-fiftieth of the people in the world speak it.

Another reason why God’s Bible is far superior to the original manuscripts, is because the Author’s Version constitutes a book, and the original manuscripts do not. You’ll hear a lot of talk today about the original manuscripts and the original autographs, by men who don’t realize the original autographs, or original manuscripts didn’t make a book. They weren’t collected into a book until years after they were written.

The Holy Bible is far superior to the original manuscripts, because it is AVAILABLE and the so-called original manuscripts are not.

The surest proof that this Book of the LORD of Lords is far superior to any God-breathed originals, is the fact that this book has been responsible for the conversion of as much as 10 times as many people as the originals; And possible as many as 200 times as many.

The church that kept God’s word is in Revelation chapter 3 verse 8, the Philadelphia church period, which is the church of the Reformation, And this reformation church with the reformation text was responsible for the salvation of all the converts of Patton in the New Hebrides, Hudson Taylor in China, Adoniram Judson in Burma, Cary in India, Martin in Persia, David Livingston and Moffet in Africa, plus all the converts converted in England under John Wesley, and George Whitfield, and Guthrey, and Rutherford, and Spurgeon, and all the converts converted in America in the great awakening, the 2nd great awakening, the cumberland valley revival, and all the converts of Charles G. Finney, Torrey, Moody, Sunday, Norris, and the rest of them…

So as we can see by historical fact and documented evidence, the King James Bible is far superior to any so-called verbally inspired originals which nobody has and nobody has ever seen, and if they had them and they saw them they probably couldn’t understand them anyway. We often fail to see that understanding the Bible doesn’t depend on scholarship, but on a believing mind and humble heart.

This BOOK of Books has many critics in America today, and foremost among these of course are the apostate fundamentalists, and apostate conservatives who profess to believe in the fundamentals of the faith.

These men put out various ‘bibles’ from time to time, and there may be certain things that may be said about these translators and these revisors, which are absolutely certain and can be proved in court:

  1. ALL REVISERS OF MODERN ‘BIBLES’ IGNORE HISTORY. There hasn’t been one new bible put out, that’s been put out by anyone who knew anything about church history. After all, anyone who knows church history, knows perfectly well, that the Alexandrian manuscripts from Africa, used for the new bibles, (any of them), came from a place where there wasn’t one original autograph of any new testament book written. The majority of autographs are found in Syria and Asia Minor.
  2. THE ‘NEW’ BIBLE TRANSLATORS REFUSE TO FOLLOW THEIR OWN GRAMMATICAL RULES IN TRANSLATING. The apostate fundamentalists in Christian Schools claim that the King James Version fails to translate the tense of the verb correctly, but none of the ‘new’ translations are able to translate the verb tense correctly according to their rules.
  3. THESE MODERN BIBLE PERVERTORS INSIST ON A MYTHOLOGICAL B.C. LXX, WITH NO EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND. There’s no manuscript evidence that there was any greek old testament around before the time of Origen, 150 A.D. As a matter of fact, out of something like 1600 greek manuscripts, there are not five of them written before the time of Christ dealing with the old testament.
  4. THE MODERN REVISERS REFUSE TO EXAMINE THE FRUIT OF THE AUTHORIZED 1611 VERSION. More souls have been saved and more missionary work accomplished through the preaching and the teaching of the King James Authorized Version, than any other three ‘bibles’ combined. The history of England, Germany, and the United States is the history of material blessing as long as the Reformation text was honoured. And disaster has followed where it was abandoned.
  5. THE NEW REVISERS CONTINUALLY LIE ABOUT THE EARLY AND LATE MANUSCRIPTS. There is hardly a book you can pick up these days, written by an apostate fundamentalist at a Christian School, that will not deliberately lie about oldest and best manuscripts, early and late manuscripts. They will tell you Erasmus only had late manuscripts as his resources for constructing the Receptus, which ignores the fact that number one, The King James Bible is not from Erasmus’ Greek Textus Receptus, it is from an eclectic text that includes Erasus, Stephanus, and Bezea, plus the old latin text of the Waldensians and Albigensians.
  6. THE MODERN REVISERS OF THESE SO-CALLED NEW TRANSLATIONS WILL CONTINUALLY LIE ABOUT THE ORIGINAL GREEK. That is, when a man begins to correct the King James Bible, he will say ‘The original Greek text says…’; he’s a liar, he doesn’t have it. Or he says ‘THE greek text says…’; He’s a liar. There isn’t any such thing.

Now all this is very upsetting and disturbing to the sucker who has wasted 20,000 dollars on a college education. It gets him very upset to learn that he’s blown his money down a rat-hole, especially at a ‘christian’ school. But the terrible fact remains that there is no such thing as ‘THE’ greek text, for there are about 24 greek texts. Therefore when a man says ‘THE greek text says’, he’s lying to start with and knows he’s lying when he says it.

7. AND THEN THERE’S THE CONTINUAL LYING GOING ON ABOUT KING JAMES. You’ll hear King James low-rated as one of the worst characters who ever lived, but the fact of the matter is he knew as much about Greek and Hebrew for his day as any king anywhere in Europe or off the continent. And the truth is, that although he may have been a conceited fellow, he wasn’t as conceited as his contemporaries who called themselves ‘holy father’. It’s very un-befitting and very un-becoming for someone to talk about King James’ arrogancy and his conceitedness, by somebody who is espousing a man and following a man who lets people kiss his finger and kiss his ring and call him by the title reserved for GOD the Father in John 17.

8. THE MODERN TRANSLATERS WILL APPLY THE WORD ‘RELIABLE’ TO TRANSLATIONS THAT ARE NOT THE LEAST BIT RELIABLE. They will refuse to translate their own manuscripts. There wasn’t anyone who was on the translating committees of the ASV or the new ASV or the NIV that dared translate the manuscripts they used. The two main manuscripts they used were the ones called Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, and these manuscripts not only contain old testament Apocrypha, but new testament Apocrypha. 1st and 2nd Clement, the shepherd of Hermes and the epistle to Barnabas. So these inconsistent two-faced double-tongued hypocrites will make you think they are translating “THE” greek text, when part of the greek text they used, they didn’t dare translate.

This is one reason that no matter how many new bibles come out, they can never attain the stature and the majesty and circulation of the King James 1611 Authorized Version.

Charity rejoices in truth, not falsehood. And some of you people that talk about ‘love’ so much, are guilty of the worst hate that you could possibly be guilty of, many of you people that talk about love would condemn this kind of a talk about the King James Bible, and you have the most viscious hate known to God or man against the Bible itself. And you would justify your friends and your teachers before you would justify the word of God, because your ‘love’ doesn’t rejoice in truth, it rejoices in a lie. Christ said of many of you, ‘Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do’, and ‘When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.’ And again, ‘He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.’

These scoundrels that lie about the the King James Bible will speak about the 400 variations between 1611 and 1613; and the changes in spelling and punctuation between 1762 and 1769, without ever telling you that these changes never even once affected the English text or the Greek text. They won’t tell you that these changes were a genuine revision due to changes in spelling and punctuation. They will not tell you that the new bibles were translated from manuscripts that differ between themselves 3000 times in the Gospels alone.

Now, this greatest of all books ever printed is the King James 1611 Authorized Version. As high as $50,000 has been paid for a copy of the Bible, and there isn’t one communist book on the market worth $25. Who would pay more than $25 for a book written my Lenin or Marx or Trotsky or Engels? But people have paid as much as $50,000 for a copy of the King James 1611 Authorized Bible.

This amazing old book, in it’s standard issue in the United States has a black cover, showing it’s a book that deals with death. It has gold edges showing that it’s a book dealing with deity, or red edges showing that it’s a book dealing with blood. It has 7 seals around the back, indicating that it is the 7-sealed book.

This amazing King James 1611 Authorized Version has had different portions of it translated into 1,578 languages; out-translating any other four publications combined.

Furthermore about this book, no Hebrew or Greek scholar in Cincinnati, or New York or Los Angeles or London, of any persuasion has ever discovered one fundamental that is not clearly given in a 1611 Authorized Version.

Furthermore there has never lived, nor is there alive now, any Hebrew or Greek Scholar, or any of his friends, who can produce one major revelation from any Greek or Hebrew bible that wasn’t being circulated in English a hundred years before you were born.

Furthermore there is no evidence that any hebrew or greek scholar who ever lived since 1611, made any effective contribution to soul-winning or preaching, never confirmed anyone’s faith in one doctrine without altering the text.

In plainer words, there isn’t one truth the Christian needs to know that isn’t found in a King James 1611 Authorized Version.

Furthermore there’s nobody reading this that can find one.

Furthermore if you can find one, I’ll send you $100. My address is: Richard Clark
P.O.Box 92
Newport,KY 41071

You don’t know one hebrew or greek scholar including yourself or the men that teach you who can find one major doctrine or one major fundamental, that I can’t find in the Author’s Version in 15 seconds. Now, there are several things you ought to know about this book. We have the promise of preservation of this book in Psalm 12. We have the honesty of the men that preserved this book, who put in italics words that they knew weren’t in the manuscripts. We have the time of its publication after Bloody Mary had burned almost 250 Bible-believing Christians at the stake in the fires of Smithsfield. The next generation coming up had smelled the smoke burning in their nostrils when they were children, and some of them that sat down and did this work, of course, had mothers and fathers and friends and relatives who were burned at the stake. You couldn’t fool them, like you fool these suckers in America. When these fellows sat down in 1611 to translate this Bible, these men that sat down, some of them were born around 1560 and 1570; and the fires of Smithsfield had burned their parents and parents’ friends at the stake. They knew who the religious whore(Rev.17) of Babylon was. Do You? But then ignorance increases with communication and transportation. You wouldn’t have fooled them.

We know the King James Bible is the word of God because it has no copyright.

We know that the King James Bible is the word of God because of the pre-eminent place that it gives to Jesus Christ.

We know that the King James Version is the word of God because of the dishonesty of it’s critics. They omit words for no reason. And they interpolate when they feel like getting rid of the following words: They take out the words God, Lord, Christ, Heaven, Hell, Evil, Good, Blood; by saying these words were interpolated.

The attitude toward the word of God differs among groups.

The Roman Catholic teaching is that it’s one of three sources: 1.Tradition;
2.Authority of the Church; and
3.The Bible.

The Lutheran view is that we’re to judge the Bible by the word of the Gospel and man bearing witness.

Calvin taught that the Bible is divine truth, but all fulfilled and completed in the past.

However, the Bible-Believing Christian believes the Bible is the word of God, the absolute truth, completely and scientifically and historically correct; and if the scientists don’t like it they can go take a flying jump at the moon.

In it’s own writing, the Bible is called: The oracles of God, the word of Christ, the word of God, the word of the LORD, the word of life, the words of truth, and the word of faith. Jesus is the Lord!

The Bible as it stands where it stands, gives 9 revelations of God to man, the final being a book that is said to be a complete diet. It is likened to bread in Luke 4:4; likened to honey in Psalm 119:103; likened to milk in 1Peter 2; likened to meat in Hebrews 5; and apples in Proverbs 25:11.

In God’s own estimation, the word of God is above the name of his son Jesus Christ.(Psalm 138:2). And Paul does not hesitate to use the word ‘scripture’ for ‘God’, in Galatians 3:8 and Romans 9:17.

The critics of the King James Bible like to pretend that 2Timothy 3:16 refers to the original manuscripts ONLY, which of course it does NOT! The greatest Bible-perverting heresy taught by these apostates is that 2Timothy 3:16 is a reference to the originals, when 2Timothy 3:16 didn’t say originals, it said SCRIPTURE. In the previous verse, 2Timothy 3:15, you’re told that Timothy knew the scriptures since he was a child. CLEARLY showing you that the scriptures are certainly not the originals, never have been the originals, and never will be the originals. The Ethiopian Eunuch was reading the scriptures, and there’s not a fool on this earth that things the Ethiopian Eunuch had the original autographs of Isaiah.

Nobody that is except these apostate fundamentalists who write books about God-breathed Bibles and inspiration and all this nonsense, that simply don’t know what they are talking about, and are perverting the word of God on top of that.

People make the word of God of none effect by adding to the Authorized text, subtracting from the Authorized text, or removing the text from the context.

The King James Authorized Version as it stands, cannot teach anything except the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, unless you add to it, or subtract from it, or remove the text from the context. If you believe the Bible as it stands, you can’t get caught up in any of the heresies that are abroad in the world today.

No man who believes the Bible as it stands ever believed in Baptismal Regeneration. No man who believes the Bible as it stands ever got caught up worshiping idols or using images as an aid to worship.

There isn’t a case in the history of the universe where any man who believes that book as it is written, without adding to it, without subtracting from it, without removing the text from the context, that ever got involved in one movement that led to the apostasy of the church in 325 A.D. and that’s leading to the apostasy of the church now in the Laodicean period before the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.

If you don’t have The BIBLE, get one. Read it, Believe it, Love it, Preach it, Teach it, Memorize it, Practice it, and when Soviet Romanism takes over: By the grace of God, Die by it!

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. –Richard