ACS early cancer detection
SIGMOIDOSCOPY – Every 3-5 years after age 50 AFTER two negative exams one year apart. Sigmoidoscopy is an examination of the last section of the large bowel or colon with an instrument called a sigmoidoscope.
STOOL GUIAC TEST (FOR BLOOD) – Every year after age 50.
DIGITAL RECTAL EXAM – Every year after age 40. The purpose of This exam is detection of rectal or prostate cancer.
PAP SMEAR – Every 3 years AFTER two negative exams one year apart, in women age 20 – 65. To be done in women under age 20 only if sexually active. The PAP test detects cancer of the cervix, or early precancerous changes.
PELVIC EXAMINATION – Every 3 years in women age 20 – 40 and every year after age 40. This is mainly to detect cancer of the ovaries.
ENDOMETRIAL TISSUE SAMPLE – To be done once at menopause in high risk women. (History of infertility, obesity, failure to ovulate, abnormal uterine bleeding). It should also be performed prior to beginning estrogen (hormone) replacement therapy. This test can be done in the health provider’s office and is done by inserting a small suction device through the cervix into the uterus. It is very similar to inserting an IUD.
BREAST SELF EXAM – Every month after age 20.
MAMMOGRAPHY – One baseline exam between age 35-40, every 1-2 years between age 40-49 and every year after age 50. To be done yearly after age 35 in certain high risk women. (strong family history, previous cancer, suspicious exam). Not indicated at less than age 30.
CHEST X-RAY – NOT recommended. This is because of the risk of radiation induced cancer and because the chance of finding something early enough to be helpful is low. Note that these indications are for asymptomatic persons only.
SPUTUM CYTOLOGY – Not recommended. This is a microscopic exam of sputum (from lungs as opposed to saliva from mouth) looking for malignant cells.
HEALTH COUNSELLING & CANCER CHECKUP – Every 3 years after age 20 and every year after age 40 in males and females. This includes an exam of the mouth, thyroid, testicles, prostate, ovaries, lymph nodes and skin. Counselling should include instructions on self examination, signs of cancer, sun protection, assessment of other risk factors such as family history, occupational exposure, etc.
1 – Change in bowel or bladder habits. 2 – A sore that does not heal. 3 – Unusual bleeding or discharge. 4 – Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere. 5 – Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. 6 – Obvious change in wart or mole. 7 – Nagging cough or hoarseness.