Drugs eliminated from the body

60% excreted unchanged within 48 hours in normal urine acidity. Not readily detectable after 24 hours following a single dose.

Excreted slowly in general. Approximately 8% is excreted in the first 12 hours; 20% in 24 hours; 35-65% in 48 hours. The long-acting barbiturates (e.g. phenobarbital) may be detected in urine in excess of four weeks after a single dose.

A single dose is excreted within 8 hours, depending on level of dosage and purity (Approximately 25-100 mg of pure cocaine is necessary for euphoric effect).

Excreted as free and conjugated codeine, and in part demethylated to morphine. 63-90% is excreted within 24 hours.

90% is excreted within 24 hours, although traces amy be found for up to 48 hours.

Detectable from 3-10 days; 50% excreted within 3 days, and 50% excreted within 10 days following a single dose. Detectable 25 days or more in chronic heavy users.

Decreases by .01 to .02 mg per deciliter per hour (Some have suggested noticable acceleration in alcoholism).

Les than 10% is excreted unchanged. The remained is metabolized by N-demethylation. Excretion is relatively rapid with the majority of a single dose excreted within 48 hours.

Small amounts of free, and larger amounts of conjugated morphine is 90% excreted within 24 hours. Traces may be found up to 48 hours.

Excreted generally unmetabolized within 24 hours following a single dose, but urine tests are often positive 7 days following ingestion.

99% of a single dose is absorbed within 2 hours. With an over all half-life of 18-42 hours, its ability of great protein binding makes its half-life biphasic; free drug serum measurements make it appear the drug is half gone after 2-3 hours. Not readily detectable after 24 hours following a single dose.

Excreted within 24 hours following a single dose.

Serum half-life of 20-50 hours. Some diazepam metabolites may be detected from 5-7 days following the initail dose.