Behold His Glory

Title: Behold His Glory!
Descript.: Introduction to series from John’s Gospel

Text: Selected from John
Tracing: Preached December 27, 1992 AM

  1. INTRO

    Who are your heroes? Some of the truly great people of world history or modern society? (Accept congregational response) Chances are, no matter how great you esteem those great people, those who are closest to them have a great deal less awe (though not respect) for them. Proximity sometimes prevents us from seeing the BIG picture.

    The gospels illustrate this. The synoptics were written quickly after Jesus death and have the tone of men writing about a man they greatly respect. John wrote from the perspective of decades and his gospel has about it the AWE of a man who has seen earth-shattering events spring from the life of a friend.

    After the Resurrection, the understanding of the apostles was still imcomplete. It took decades of additional revelation for them to comprehend the totality of what the incarnation meant. John, with this later understanding, describes the incarnation in these terms: “We beheld His Glory! (1:14)”. And He made it his goal that we should too (see 20:21).

  2. BODY — Aspects of His Glory (John 1)
    1. Pre-existence & Creation v.1-4

      Let there be no mistake about the nature of Jesus Christ — there was no uncertainty on the part of John, the apostle who knew Him best! He makes it abundantly clear that Jesus is the God who created the universe and no other. An understanding of the triune nature of the Godhead is very difficult to come by and I have great sympathy with those who say they cannot find scriptural support for traditional formulations of “the Trinity”. But let me be perfectly clear: You cannot resolve this confusing issue (as some have done) by denying the divinity of the man Jesus Christ — Scripture does not allow it! Nor (as some have done) by denying that God acts by indwelling the believer, nor by denying that there is an overseeing God in Heaven with a plan for the ages to bring redemption to man. Now, if you can discount the “Trinity” without denying those truths, you at least are not heretical even if mistaken.

      This is part of the Glory John saw — that Jesus was God, Pre-existing and uncreated (for everything that was created was created BY Him).

    2. Perfect Goodness v.4-9

      Look at the consistent comparison used by John. Jesus is LIGHT, representing good. Indeed, how can you look at Jesus, His life, and His teachings and see anything but good? From time to time in history, great evils have been perpetrated in the name of Christ by men who regarded themselves as Christians. These men have been misguided and decieved. But nothing can be identified in Jesus own life as wicked or vile, EVEN BY HIS GREATEST ENEMIES.

    3. Transcendance (Incarnation) v.10-11,14

      Not only was Jesus God and a PERFECTLY GOOD GOD, but part of the glory of His life was the He deigned to take part in OUR lives. Not the God most of our society imagines — who is there to be called upon in emergencies and feared at death — but a God who affects our daily lives! Heaven met Earth in Bethlehem, and because of that YOUR LIFE doesn’t have to be the same. Jesus became a part of our world and wants to be made a part of our lives. Don’t treat Him like the Fire Department, only to be called in an emergency!

    4. Grace v.11-12,16-18

      Besides all these, there is also the glory of the grace He brought. Through Him we recieve incredible blessings — none of them deserved. We have peace, comfort, encouragement from following Him. We learn more about how to love fully than the world can ever teach us. He gives us His strength for our daily walk — one blessing after another (v.16)!

      Besides those blessings, He lets us know God! This would be utterly impossible from a natural point of view apart from His revelation. Yet in Jesus we have a perfect picture of the heart of God!

      Incredibly, His grace goes even further! Though rejected by (the majority of) His own people, He is willing to make us CHILDREN OF GOD! Just by accepting Him and trusting Him! What grace! What opportunity!


    Imagine a tribe of people living in a dark cave. The only light they know is the pale luminescence of the fungus on the walls. The only food is the fish that come in by the underground stream. They have never seen the world. One day a man comes in, carrying a torch, and tells them about the world, the sun, the fields and their fruits and offers to lead them out.

    Some would be afraid, some wouldn’t trust Him. They would remain in the darkness never even knowing the joys they were missing. But others would follow — and find their lives forever enriched by that simple act of trust!

He waits to lead you to a new existence and a new status as God’s children. Will you follow Him as He shows you the way? D. COMMENTS Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!