Church Be Pure Pergamum Title: Church, Be Pure! Text: Rev. 2:12-17 Tracing: Preached 6/3/90 at SDCC. Topic: Compromise Theme:

Prim Goal :
Intnd Aud.:

Intro.: ABOUT PERGAMUM: Pergamum a city thoroughly devoted to Rome — ÿtheir last king of their own dynasty bequeathed his realm to Rome — they were the site ÿof the 1st Temple in Asia of the Caesar Cult and became ÿthe center ÿof ÿits worship there. ÿOverlooking the city was ÿa ÿhill 1,000 ft. high covered with temples. ÿMost prominent of all was a throne-like altar to Zeus, ÿbuilt on the occasion of a ÿsuccessful military defense of the city against invaders. Zeus was labeled by the ÿPergamenians ÿas “Zeus, ÿthe Savior.” ÿÿAnother ÿTemple ÿwas dedicated to Asklepios, whose symbol was a serpent. THE LETTER: Warning: ÿÿThis will cut! ÿv.12. ÿIf you can listen ÿto ÿthis letter ÿand not have your conscience stricken, ÿif you can ÿlisten and look across the auditorium at someone else and say, ÿ”I’m sure glad ÿthey ÿwere ÿhere ÿto hear this” ÿthen either ÿ1) ÿÿYou ÿare practically perfect or 2) you weren’t really listening! I ÿknow where you live. ÿv.13. ÿIdolatrous to the hilt – ÿsee above. Yet ÿyou ÿremain ÿtrue. ÿv.13. ÿEven where you are ÿ– ÿÿthus deserving ÿmore commendation than others who might remain true ÿin easy places. ÿEASY TO BE A CHRISTIAN AT A CHURCH CAMP OR RETREAT! (OR MONASTERY) But what do you do in the “real world”? But now Jesus gets to the real point of the letter: ÿA warning that Even those who ÿremain faithful in an ungodly culture need to  beware ÿof ÿthe temptations to compromise & to tolerate compromise  in the church!  Body: I. BEWARE OF COMPROMISE. v.14-15 BACKGROUND OF BALAAM 1. Petitioned by Balak as Israel approached Moab. 2. Denied permission to curse by God – wouldn’t take “no”. 3. Permission granted – (destruction planned?) 4. Blessings only permitted. 5. “Loved wages of wickedness” so advised Balak how to entice Israel to bring down God’s curse upon themselves. 6. Destroyed with Balak and Moab! Notice that: 1)Balaam practiced compromise. a) Wanted to commit a known wrong. b) Did not dare. c) Rationalized until it “felt” okay. 2) He taught compromise. These are the essence of the “teaching of Balaam”! This ÿparticular variety of Balaam’s error apparently ÿwas ÿan early form of gnosticism. ÿAll we know of the Nicolaitans is this passage and the fact that one hundred years later there was a sect of the Gnostics by that name. Gnostics: ÿÿFlesh=Evil ÿSpirit=good NEVER ÿSHALL ÿTHEY ÿMEET. Thus, what my flesh does cannot taint my spirit and I may sin with impunity. “Let us continue in sin that Grace may abound” and Paul answered “MAY IT NEVER BE!!!” THIS LIE IS STILL ALIVE! Saved by Grace – not by works = Truth of the Gospel I can’t be perfect – thus what I do doesn’t matter = A LIE STRAIGHT FROM HELL! “I go to church, pray, tithe — God knows my circumstances and why I can’t be expected to obey in this area” He know that He CAN because He’s given you an escape! Much time on this point — would you believe it’s secondary! Should apply to some (or all) of us as individuals at least as a sharp warning to avoid being numbered with the Balaamites. BUT… His Primary message to the church as a whole, as a body is : II. Stop Tolerating Compromise! v. 14, 16 Three things to notice: 1) ÿÿThe Faithful are not objects of God’s wrath but might ÿbe incidentally hurt if they harbor compromise as God attacks It. 2) God will attack Compromise when it is harbored! 3) God might not attack if the church purifies itself! Wickedness will exist outside the church until the end of ÿthe world – God seems to plan to let it run its course. ÿIt is ÿdealt with by leading men to the transforming power of Jesus Christ, not by condemning them alone and trying to act “good”. They cannot be righteous until changed by Jesus. See I Cor. 5:9-13 BUT when wickedness sets up shop inside the church, among those who call themselves Christians – the Church must act or God will! See I Cor. 5:1-2,4-7. Conc.: Confession and Repentance are the only cure for Compromise. Admit guilt and change your ways for God’s ways — as we do that He will forgive our sins. Do you need to come forward today?

Comments: Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!