Confessing Christ CONFESSING CHRIST R8-11-9A Phil. 2:11 (read 5-12)
- Chapter 1 tells of suffering and pain and a desire to go home
- Chapter 2: Paul speaks of
- Consolation in Christ
- Comfort in Love
- Fellowship of the Spirit
- Bowels adn Mercies
- These blessings are not CHEAP!
- ANNOUNCEMENT (of Christ’s death)
- His previous condition (in heaven)
- His humility (to lower Himself to the cross)
- His present estate (as Lord & Master)
II. OBLIGATION (of all mankind)
- Bow to Him
- Recognize His deity
- Submit to His authority as Lord
- Confess that He is Lord
- Vine’s definition is VERY strong
- It is a PUBLIC admission of our sin & its consequences
- MUCH MORE: It is a celebration/praise of Him as MASTER
- It is a day-by-day lifestyle of praise and service
- All of which brings glory to God
III. ALTERNATIVE (to God’s plan)
- This verse says “SHOULD bow….SHOULD confess”
- It is not mandatory
- God made us with the freedom to choose
- We are not REQUIRED to become Christians
- BUT in Is. 45:23 (quoted in Ro. 14:11) He says “SHALL”
- In Revelations 20:11-15 (read aloud)
- Many will want to bow and confess & accept His forgiveness
- It will be TOO LATE!
- You are now faced with a decision to make
- No one else can make it for you
- Will YOU confess Christ?