Confessing Christ CONFESSING CHRIST R8-11-9A Phil. 2:11 (read 5-12)


  1. Chapter 1 tells of suffering and pain and a desire to go home
  2. Chapter 2: Paul speaks of
    1. Consolation in Christ
    2. Comfort in Love
    3. Fellowship of the Spirit
    4. Bowels adn Mercies
  3. These blessings are not CHEAP!
  4. ANNOUNCEMENT (of Christ’s death)
  5. His previous condition (in heaven)
  6. His humility (to lower Himself to the cross)
  7. His present estate (as Lord & Master)

II. OBLIGATION (of all mankind)

  1. Bow to Him
    1. Recognize His deity
    2. Submit to His authority as Lord
  2. Confess that He is Lord
    1. Vine’s definition is VERY strong
    2. It is a PUBLIC admission of our sin & its consequences
    3. MUCH MORE: It is a celebration/praise of Him as MASTER
    4. It is a day-by-day lifestyle of praise and service
  3. All of which brings glory to God

III. ALTERNATIVE (to God’s plan)

  1. This verse says “SHOULD bow….SHOULD confess”
    1. It is not mandatory
    2. God made us with the freedom to choose
    3. We are not REQUIRED to become Christians
  2. BUT in Is. 45:23 (quoted in Ro. 14:11) He says “SHALL”
  3. In Revelations 20:11-15 (read aloud)
    1. Many will want to bow and confess & accept His forgiveness
    2. It will be TOO LATE!


  1. You are now faced with a decision to make
  2. No one else can make it for you
  3. Will YOU confess Christ?