Faithful Witnesses FAITHFUL WITNESSES B6-29-6A Mt. 11:4 (2-6)

PURPOSE: To show some of the requirements of being a

faithful witness for Jesus Christ. INTRODUCTION: IV. FAITHFUL WITNESSES ARE NOT OFFENDED A. Many sermons have been preached about John A. John’s faith was weak while in prison using this chapter B. Matthew 10:22 says, “Ye shall be hated of all B. The ministry of Christ is well described men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to C. Today, I want to look at John’s disciples as the end shall be saved” examples of FAITHFUL WITNESSES: C. “Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me” (v. 6) I. FAITHFUL WITNESSES SEEK KNOWLEDGE, INSIGHT & WISDOM (who does not fall away because of troubles A. These were John’s disciples (learning from him) incurred while serving Christ) B. They wanted to know more fully about Christ C. Are YOU making every effort to be a DISCIPLE? SUMMARY: A. We want to be witnesses & we want to be faithful II. FAITHFUL WITNESSES MUST GO AS INSTRUCTED B. To be faithful we must LEARN, GO, & TELL A. Listen to God’s Word (when you learn, you GO!) C. The real test of faithfulness however, is B. Listen to the dying millions whether we are offended in Christ 1. All around are people without God 2. They will die in sin if we do not go C. Listen to God’s Word and those dying and then you will feel your responsibility to GO!


  1. Tell all the world about Christ
    1. They are looking everywhere for HOPE
    2. They are trying new things seeking PEACE
    3. They are seeking ANSWERS (from cults, etc)
  2. Tell from experience–not theology

    A witness is one “who saw, or can give firsthand account of, something”

  3. They were to tell John, then others
  4. We are expected to tell what we have experienced