Growing Up In Our Salvation Title: Growing Up in Our Salvation Text: 1Pet. 2:1-12 Tracing: Preached December 27, 1992 PM at SDCC Topic: Christian Maturity

  1. INTRO

    Because of the regular interruptions of our Sunday night series, let me recap. In 1Pe 1:3-12, we saw the glory of the New Covenant: New birth, living hope, eternal inheritance, and powerful protection. In 1:13-22, we saw that those truths lay the foundation for our response: Mental Preparation, Self-control, commitment, and submission.

    That describes how we set about (for our part) to live the Christian life. But now Peter is going to take us behind the scenes and let us have a glimpse of the Big Picture — what God causes to happen with us as we submit ourselves to Him and grow in Him. Read 2:1-12

  2. BODY — Growing up in Salvation
    1. Growing Together with Others v.1-5 compare Eph 2:19-21

      As each of us comes to Him He meshes us with others to build His church. We are not intended to function alone. Many passages echo this idea — consider, for example Eph 4:15-16, 1Co 12, Ro 12, etc.

      We are a body, a building, a nation — and we need each other!

    2. Growing Upon Jesus v.6-8

      He is the cornerstone. He provides strength, dictates the construction layout, supports the whole. Those who will not fit with Him are lost.

    3. Growing Into a Nation v.9-10

      A chosen, favored nation. Gentiles were not a people of God. Physical Israel was NO LONGER a people of God (see Hosea 1, cf 1Pe 2:10). Only a remnant (spiritual Israel) remained. But as we come to Him, we are added to that remnant and we become His chosen people!


    THEREFORE: Declare His praises v. 9, and Live as righteous aliens v.11-12


Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!