Important Old Testament Dates


The earlier dates here are in round numbers, and only approximate, and somewhat uncertian. However they are sufficiently accurate to show historical sequence of events and persons: This makes it most helpful for one studing the bible to have in memory. Adam…………………………………..about 4000 B.C. The Flood………………………………about 2400 B.C. Abraham………………………………..about 2000 B.C. Jacob………………………………….about 1900 B.C. Joseph…………………………………about 1800 B.C. Moses………………………………….about 1400 B.C. The Exodus……………………………..about 1400 B.C. Ruth…………………………………..about 1150 B.C. Samuel…………………………………about 1100 B.C. Saul…………………………………..about 1053 B.C. David………………………………….about 1013 B.C. Solomon………………………………..about 973 B.C. Division of Kingdom……………………..about 933 B.C. Galilee Captivity……………………….about 734 B.C. Captivity of Israel……………………..about 721 B.C. Judah Conquered by Babylon……………….about 606 B.C. Jehoiachin’s Captivity…………………..about 597 B.C. Jerusalem destroyed……………………..about 586 B.C. Return from Captivity……………………about 536 B.C. Temple Rebuilt………………………….about 520 B.C. Esther becomes Queen of Persia……………about 478 B.C. Ezra Goes to Jerusalem…………………..about 457 B.C. Nehemiah Rebuilds the walls………………about 444 B.C. The Periods Anti-Diluvian World……….About 1600 years 4000-2400 B.C.

Between Flood and Abraham….About 400 years 2400-2000 B.C. Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac,Jacob.. 200 years 2000-1800 B.C. Isreal’s Sojourn in Egypt….About 400 years 1800-1400 B.C. Period of Judges………….About 300 years 1400-1100 B.C. The Kingdom David, Saul & Sol About 120 years 1053- 933 B.C. The Divided Kingdom……….About 200 years 933- 721 B.C. The Captivity…………….About 70 years 606- 536 B.C. Period of Restoration……..About 100 years 536- 432 B.C.

Information from Halley’s Bible Handbook by Henry H. Halley