Temporary Visitor TEMPORARY VISITOR B6-01-6P Jn. 12:1-8 PURPOSE: To instruct and encourage to worship God. IV. MARY WAS READY TO PAY A PRICE A. A pound of ointment of spikenard could be INTRODUCTION: bought for as little as 25 pence — less than $5 A. This happened some short time after the but this was of the best quality resurrection of Lazarus B. In today’s money 300 pence would be about $50 B. This supper was a day after palm Sunday 1. A lot of money for perfume C. There was a lot of activity in preparation for 2. But a year’s wages for people of that day! the passover feast C. How could Mary have been able to do such? D. Everyone was VERY busy getting ready 1. She prepared for this moment 2. She planned to come and worship Him I. MARY WAS PRESENT FOR WORSHIP 3. She gave her very best as an offering A. Good works and good intentions are worthless– D. Have you made plans to this service????? if you are not present for worship! B. Mary could have been other places: V. MARY FELT THE URGENCY OF THE TIME 1. Helping Martha serve tables A. Verse eight infers that we do not have 2. Sitting at the table with Lazarus unlimited time to present our gifs to Him C. But Mary choose the “good part” to be where B. Jesus said that Mary was fulfilling a divine Jesus was and WORSHIP Him purpose in anointing Him 1. She was probably suprised by His words II. MARY RECOGNIZED JESUS AS WORTHY OF WORSHIP 2. “Against the day of my burying hath she A. She recognized Him as Diety kept this” 1. Only Diety is qualified to receive worship C. Jesus is only a TEMPORARY VISITOR to us 2. Others seek to be worshipped (Satan) D. What is your divine mission for this moment? B. She accepted that He should be worshipped at the expense of anything else she would do
- She saw Jesus as Diety & herself as a sinner
- We should not compare ourselves with others but with Jesus — we will want to worship Him also
- She fell at His feet
- Anointed His feet
- Wiped His feet with her hair (length?)
- When Jesus came to raise Lazarus,
- Mary and Martha both SAID the same thing
- But Mary “fell down at his feet”
- When Martha came first, Jesus remained “in that place where Martha met him”
- But when Mary came and fell down “Jesus
therefore saw her weeping… he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled, and said, Where have ye laid him?…. Jesus wept.”
- If you want to move Jesus, fall on your face and WORSHIP Him right now