The Genealogy Of Our Lord Jesus


The genealogy of Christ as found in Matthew 1:1-17 consists of two main divisions: Verses 1-11 cover the period from Abraham, the father of the chosen people, to the Captivity, when the Jews ceased being an independent people. Verses 12-17 cover the period from the Captivity to the promised Messiah, The Christ.

The Vocabulary has 49 words (7 x 7). Of these 49 words, 28 (4×7) begin with a vowel; and 21 (3×7) begin with a consonant. Seven words end with a vowel (1×7) and 42 (6×7) end with a consonant. These 49 words consist of 266 letters (7x2x19 OR 38×7). Of these 266 letters, 140 (20×7) are vowels and 126 (18×7) are consonants. Of these 49 words, 35 (5×7) occur more than once in this passage, while 14 (2×7) occur only once. Seven (1×7) occur in more than one form, while 42 (6×7) occur in only one form. 42 words (6×7) are nouns while 7 (1×7) words are not nouns. Of these nouns, 35 (5×7) are proper names, and 7 (1×7) are common nouns. Of the proper names, 28 (4×7) are male ancestors, while 7 (1×7) are not.

If we take a look at the Birth of Jesus in verses 18-25, we find the following: The Number of words is 161 23 x 7 Their Numeric value is 93,394 13,342 x 7 The Number of Vocabulary is 77 11 x 7 The Numeric value of the Vocabulary is 51,247 7,321 x 7

There are six words found nowhere

else in Matthew: Their numeric value is 5,005 715 x 7 These six words have 56 letters 8 x 7 The 161 words occur in 105 forms 15 x 7 The Numeric value of these forms is 65,429 9,347 x 7 In these 105 forms are 35 verbs 5 x 7 There are 7 proper names 1 x 7 The number of letters in these proper names is 42 6 x 7

One word EMMANUEL is used nowhere
else in the N.T. and has a numeric value of 644 92 x 7 (add the figures 644 together for 14) 2 x 7

The number forms exclusive to this passage by Matthew is 14 2 x 7 Their numeric value is 8,715 1,245 x 7 ~#7 CHANCE? 1 in 10 to the power of 169 or 1 followed by 169 zeros! LOOK AT THE WORDS OF THE ANGEL TO JOSEPH

The angel uses 28 of the 77 vocabulary

words 4 x 7 The numeric value of all the angel’s words is 21,042 3,006 x 7 The angel uses 35 forms 5 x 7 These 35 have 168 letters 24 x 7 The numeric value of these letters is 19,397 2,771 x 7 The angel does not use 49 vocabulary 7 x 7 The angel does not use 70 forms 10 x 7

The Chance of this being an accident or by human design is 1 in 206,000,000,000,000,000,000 (206 QUINTILLION – 21 digits)


It is not the desire of this report to provide anything other than an insight into the immeasurable intelligence that produced the Bible. The same intelligence that produced the limitless stretches of space, that produced the smallest one cell creature, the same one that created it ALL, is the only source that could have produced the Bible as it presently stands.