The Lord Is Risen Indeed THE LORD IS RISEN INDEED B4-07-5A Lu. 24:34


  1. Most of us will be gay and rejoice today–do we know WHY?
  2. Many will see the Easter Bunnie in the department stores but few will see the risen Lord
  3. To a lot of folks, Jesus is somewhere between Bethlehem and Calvary but– HE IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD!!
  5. It had been prophesied
    1. “Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy one to see corruption” (Ps. 16:10)
    2. “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (Jn. 2:19)
  6. It established Jesus as THE Savior
    1. ILLUSTRATION: Very learned man to child who believed: “You don’t know whom you believe in. There have been many christs.” “I believe in the Christ who rose from the dead.” (Knight, 565)
    2. Different from martyr or religious founder–Savior
  7. It was necessary for our salvation (I Cor. 15)
    1. Without it, our faith is vain & we are still in sin (v.17)
    2. “Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead” (v. 21)
    3. Foretells the ultimate defeat of all His enemies, “For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet” (v. 25)


  1. They had experienced the agony of the cross
    1. Millions will bow before the crucifix today but He is gone from the cross
    2. “We trusted that it had been he…”, Lu. 24:21
    3. Now they were disappointed
  2. That is the pain of a legalistic religion:
    1. “Thou shalt not…” before “peace, be still”
    2. “You will burn in hell if you…” before “I will never leave you nor forsake you”
    3. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous” before “but the Lord delivereth him out of them all”
  3. Even the enthusiasm of others did not help them
    1. Women (even Cleopas’ wife) had seen and told them
    2. But “their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not” (v. 11)



  1. They comforted themselves by telling their troubles
  2. Real joy came when He “opened the scriptures”
    1. The Word is powerful but spiritually discerned
    2. The Ethiopian Eunoch, “How can I understand?”
  3. Their hearts burned “while he talked”
    1. The Voice that: Spoke the world into existance

      Told the storm to be still Forgave adulterous woman Delivered Legion Spoke compassion to multitudes Spoke healing to sick, lame, blind, etc

    2. What is that Voice saying to YOU TODAY?
      1. Forgiveness for your sins?
      2. Healing for your body?
      3. Assurance about dead loved ones?
      4. Promise of present help/future rewards?


  1. Jn. 14:18-19, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.”
  2. ILLUSTRATION: “When You Really Believe It”
    1. Death
      1. Month before Easter: 14 yr. old son buried
      2. Two days later, her little girl
      3. In less than a week, her baby died
      4. Only the three-year old escaped–diphtheria
    2. Attend church on Easter (with husband and child)
      1. Face pale but tender & without an emblem of sorrow
      2. Sang with the congregation: “The powers of death hath done their worst, but Christ their legions hath dispersed”
      3. Recited creed, “I believe in… the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting”
    3. Taught her SS class
    4. He was the Superintendant who lead the school in worship
    5. He read the Easter Story with only a few breaks in voice
    6. A 15-yr old, “Dad, I guess Mr. & Mrs. L.. really believe it don’t they?” “Believe what?” “The whole big thing, all of of it; Easter, you know.”
  3. We may endure trials for a time but joy comes in the morning
  4. We may only see the crucifixion now, but resurrection is sure