The Message God Sent Title: The Message God Sent Text: Acts 10:34-43 Tracing: Preached December 13, 1992 AM at SDCC. Topic: Christmas

  1. INTRO

    Imagine you know that the volcano on a remote island is on the verge of a cataclysmic eruption. On that island lives an isolated tribe of people totally unfamiliar with modern languages or technology. How can you send them the message that will save them? Radio? Letter? Technical manuals? Boats bearing gifts? These things are totally outside of their experience and understanding. No — you have to send SOMEONE!

    The family of Man is like that isolated tribe — there is a reality and a type of existence beyond our comprehension. Those who are more perceptive in that realm of existence can see dangers which we do not recognize. The problem has always been how to warn mankind about the dangers he faces on a spiritual level when, for the most part, we are blind to that existence. But God wanted to send us a message — So He sent Someone, a baby in Bethlehem!

    Hebrews 1:1-2 tells us about His communications with us through the years: “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.”

  2. BODY — The Message God Sent
    1. Its Source — The Identity of Jesus v.36,38

      Look at the phrase “through Jesus Christ”: primary meaning is that the good news is that, through Jesus, peace is possible. However, it is also valid to say that that message itself is “through Jesus”. He is the medium of God’s message.

      So who is He? An important question (John 8:24)!

      1. The Anointed One (Messiah, Christ) v. 38
      2. One God was with v. 38
      3. God with us — Emmanuel (Lord of All) v.36
      4. The One who will Judge v.42
    2. Its Character — The Ministry of Jesus v. 36,38

      Producing peace (v.36), doing good (v.38), bringing healing (v.38), defeating Satan (v. 38).

      Consider the Gospels: accepting notorious “sinners”, forgiving adulterers, healing, and pointing always to God and true righteousness.

      How can people look at the life of Jesus and see any other message than that? How can they see judgmentalism, self-righteousness, hatred, etc? The message God sent was all wrapped up in Jesus and it is a message of love and peace and healing and restoration to God!

    3. Its Culmination — His Death & Resurrection v.39-40

      That message reached its forceful culmination between Calvary and the Garden tomb. An understanding of those two events is pivotal to an understanding of God’s message. There we were told that He loved us in the midst of our rebellion, no matter the cost. It is no hollow profession of love but a love that sacrifices! These events are essential to God’s plan because they made forgiveness possible — but they are also essential to His message because they made love tangible!

    4. Its Results — Forgiveness & Judgment v.42-43

      The message brings with it two possible outcomes based upon our response to that message. First, Jesus has been appointed to judge all men. This is God’s message to us and is to be part of our message to others — don’t omit judgment, don’t dismiss hell from your message.

      But, more importantly, forgiveness is available — to everyone who believes in Him.

      What kind of belief? Not “Santa Claus” belief — but TRUST. What else but belief? Nothing! However — let’s be balanced, not polarized. The person who lives a rebellious life while professing faith proves his so-called faith to be false, counterfeit, DEAD. REAL belief (trust) begins a walk with Him, obeying Him, seeking His ways. That walk begins today as it did in the first century — in submission to baptism. That walk ends today as it did in the first century — in faithfulness unto death or the Lord’s return!


    That baby in the manger in Bethlehem was not just a chance happening — He was a proclamation, an announcement, a love letter to rebellious mankind, a warning of dangers unseen by us, and a promise of safety otherwise unavailable to us. How will you respond? Accept the message, heed it, live by it and live. Reject it or ignore it and perish!

    Are you ready to begin that walk — to step by step let Him lead you out of the dangers that you may not even yet see? Trust Him in the first step — belief and baptism!


    Prepared in 1992 by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church

    Malden, MO 63863

    (314) 276-2343

Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom!