- Descent of # Nu 13:22 Jos 15:13
- WERE CALLED 2a) The sons of Anak
# Nu 13:33
2b) The sons of the Anakim # De 1:28 2c) The children of the Anakims # De 9:2 3) Divided into three tribes # Jos 15:14 4) Inhabited the mountains of Judah # Jos 11:21 5) Hebron, chief city of # Jos 14:15 21:11 6) Of gigantic strength and stature # De 2:10,11,21 7) Israel terrified by # Nu 14:1 13:33 8) Hebron a possession of, given to Caleb for his faithfulness # Jos 14:6-14 9) Driven from Hebron by Caleb # Jos 15:13,14 10) Driven from Kirjathsepher or Debir by Othniel # Jos 15:15-17 Jud 1:12,13 11) Almost annihilated # Jos 11:21,22