1. Christ, the substance of # Isa 42:6 49:8
  2. Christ, the Mediator of # Heb 8:6 9:15 12:24
  3. Christ, the Messenger of # Mal 3:1
  4. MADE WITH 4a) Abraham

    # Ge 15:7-18 17:2-14 Lu 1:72-75 Ac 3:25 Ga 3:16

4b) Isaac # Ge 17:19,21 26:3,4 4c) Jacob # Ge 28:13,14 1Ch 16:16,17 4d) Israel # Ex 6:4 Ac 3:25 4e) David # 2Sa 23:5 Ps 89:3,4 5) Renewed under the gospel # Jer 31:31-33 Ro 11:27 Heb 8:8-10,13 6) Fulfilled in Christ # Lu 1:68-79 7) Confirmed in Christ # Ga 3:17 8) Ratified by the blood of Christ # Heb 9:11-14,16-23 9) Is a covenant of peace # Isa 54:9,10 Eze 34:25 37:26 10) Is unalterable # Ps 89:34 Isa 54:10 59:21 Ga 3:17 11) Is everlasting # Ps 111:9 Isa 55:3 61:8 Eze 16:60-63 Heb 13:20 12) All saints interested in # Ps 25:14 89:29-37 Heb 8:10 13) The wicked have no interest in # Eph 2:12 14) Blessings connected with # Isa 56:4-7 Heb 8:10-12 15) God is faithful to # De 7:9 1Ki 8:23 Ne 1:5 Da 9:4 16) God is ever mindful of # Ps 105:8 111:5 Lu 1:72 17) Be mindful of # 1Ch 16:15 18) Caution against forgetting # De 4:23 19) Plead, in prayer # Ps 74:20 Jer 14:21 20) Punishment for despising # Heb 10:29,30