DESERT, Journey of Israel Through The

  1. Date of its commencement # Ex 12:41,42
  2. Their number commencing # Ex 12:37
  3. Their healthy state commencing # Ps 105:37
  4. A mixed multitude accompanied them in # Ex 12:38 Nu 11:4
  5. Commenced in haste # Ex 12:39
  6. Conducted with regularity # Ex 13:18
  7. Under Moses as leader # Ex 3:10-12 Ac 7:36,38
  8. By a circuitous route # Ex 13:17,18
  9. Order of marching during # Nu 10:14-29
  10. Order of encamping during # Nu 2:1-34
  11. Difficulty and danger of # De 8:15
  12. CONTINUED FORTY YEARS 12a) As a punishment

    # Nu 14:33,34

12b) To prove and humble them, &c # De 8:2 12c) To teach them to live on God’s word # De 8:3 13) Under God’s guidance # Ex 13:21,22 15:13 Ne 9:12 Ps 78:52 Isa 63:11-14 14) Under God’s protection # Ex 14:19,20 Ps 105:39 Ex 23:20 Ps 78:53 15) With miraculous provision # Ex 16:35 De 8:3 16) Their clothing preserved during # De 8:4 29:5 Ne 9:21 17) Worship of God celebrated during # Ex 24:5-8 29:38-42 40:24-29 18) Justice administered during # Ex 18:13,26 19) Circumcision omitted during # Jos 5:5 20) Caused universal terror and dismay # Ex 15:14-16 Nu 22:3,4 21) Obstructed, &c by the surrounding nations # Ex 17:8 Nu 20:21 22) Territory acquired during # De 29:7,8 23) Marked by constant murmurings and rebellions # Ps 78:40 95:10 106:7-39 24) Constant goodness and mercy of God to them during # Ps 106:10,43-46 107:6,13 25) Commenced from Rameses in Egypt # Ex 12:37 26) TO SUCCOTH # Ex 12:37 Nu 33:5 27) TO ETHAM # Ex 13:20 Nu 33:6 28) BETWEEN BAALZEPHON AND PIHAHIROTH # Ex 14:2 Nu 33:7 28a) Overtaken by Pharaoh # Ex 14:9 28b) Exhorted to look to God # Ex 14:13,14 28c) The cloud removed to the rear # Ex 14:19,20 28d) Red Sea divided # Ex 14:16,21 29) THROUGH THE RED SEA # Ex 14:22,29 29a) Faith exhibited in passing # Heb 11:29 29b) Pharaoh and his host destroyed # Ex 14:23-28 Ps 106:11 29c) Israel’s song of praise # Ex 15:1-21 Ps 106:12 30) THROUGH THE WILDERNESS OF SHUR OR ETHAM # Ex 15:22 Nu 33:8 31) TO MARAH # Ex 15:23 Nu 33:8 31a) Murmuring of the people on account of bitter water # Ex 15:24 31b) Water sweetened # Ex 15:25 32) TO ELIM # Ex 15:27 Nu 33:9 33) BY THE RED SEA # Nu 33:10 34) THROUGH THE WILDERNESS OF SIN # Ex 16:1 Nu 33:11 34a) Murmuring for bread # Ex 16:2,3 34b) Quails given for one night # Ex 16:8,12,13 34c) Manna sent # Ex 16:4,8,16-31 35) TO DOPHKAH # Nu 33:12 36) TO ALUSH # Nu 33:13 37) TO REPHIDIM # Ex 17:1 Nu 33:14 37a) Murmuring for water # Ex 17:2,3 37b) Water brought from the rock # Ex 17:5,6 37c) Called Massah and Meribah # Ex 17:7 37d) Amalek opposes Israel # Ex 17:8 37e) Amalek overcome # Ex 17:9-13 38) TO MOUNT SINAI # Ex 19:1,2 Nu 33:15 38a) Jethro’s visit # Ex 18:1-6 38b) Judges appointed # Ex 18:14-26 De 1:9-15 38c) Moral law given # Ex 19:3 20:1-26 38d) Covenant made # Ex 24:3-8 38e) Moral law written on tables # Ex 31:18 38f) Order for making the tabernacle, &c # Ex 24:1-27:21 38g) Tribe of Levi taken instead of the first-born # Nu 3:11-13 38h) Aaron and his sons selected for priesthood # Ex 28:1-29:46 Nu 3:1-3,10 38i) Levites set apart # Nu 3:5-9 38j) Golden calf made # Ex 32:1,4 38k) Tables of testimony broken # Ex 32:19 38l) People punished for idolatry # Ex 32:25-29,35 38m) God’s glory shown to Moses # Ex 33:18-23 34:5-8 38n) The tables of testimony renewed # Ex 34:1-4,27-29 De 10:1-5 38o) Tabernacle first set up # Ex 40:1-38 38p) Nadab and Abihu destroyed for offering strange fire # Le 10:1,2 Nu 3:4 38q) Passover first commemorated # Nu 9:1-5 38r) Second numbering of the people # Nu 1:1-46 Ex 38:25,26 39) TO KIBROTHHATTAAVAH # Nu 33:16 39a) Complaining punished by fire # Nu 11:1-3 39b) Called Taberah # Nu 11:3 39c) Murmuring of the mixed multitude and of Israel, for flesh # Nu 11:4-9 39d) Flesh promised # Nu 11:10-15,18-23 39e) Seventy elders appointed to assist Moses # Nu 11:16,17,24-30 39f) Quails sent for a month # Nu 11:19,20,31,32 39g) Their murmuring punished # Nu 11:33 Ps 78:30,31 39h) Why called Kibrothhattaavah # Nu 11:34 40) TO HAZEROTH # Nu 11:35 33:17 40a) Aaron and Miriam envy Moses # Nu 12:1,2 40b) Miriam punished by leprosy # Nu 12:10 40c) Delayed seven day for Miriam # Nu 12:14,15 41) TO KADESHBARNEA IN WILDERNESS OF RITHMAH OR PARAN # De 1:19 Nu 32:8 12:16 33:18 41a) The people anxious to have the land of Canaan searched # De 1:22 41b) Moses commanded to send spies # Nu 13:1,2 41c) Persons selected as spies # Nu 13:3-16 41d) Spies sent # Jos 14:7 Nu 13:17-20 41e) Spies bring back evil report # Nu 13:26-33 41f) The people terrified and rebel # Nu 14:1-4 41g) Punishment for rebellion # Nu 14:26,35 32:11-13 De 1:35,36,40 41h) Guilty spies slain by plague # Nu 14:36,37 41i) People smitten by Amalek for going up without the Lord # Nu 14:40-45 De 1:41-44 42) RETURNED BY THE WAY TO THE RED SEA # Nu 14:25 De 1:40 2:1 42a) Sabbath breaker stoned # Nu 15:32-36 42b) Rebellion of Korah # Nu 16:1-19 42c) Korah, &c punished # Nu 16:30-35 42d) Plague sent # Nu 16:41-46 42e) Plague stayed # Nu 16:47-50 42f) God’s choice of Aaron confirmed # Nu 17:1-13 43) TO RIMMONPAREZ # Nu 33:19 44) TO LIBNAH OR LABAN # Nu 33:20 De 1:1 45) TO RISSAH # Nu 33:21 46) TO KEHELATHAH # Nu 33:22 47) TO MOUNT SHAPHER # Nu 33:23 48) TO HARADAH # Nu 33:24 49) TO MAKHELOTH # Nu 33:25 50) TO TAHATH # Nu 33:26 51) TO TARAH # Nu 33:37 52) TO MITHCAH # Nu 33:28 53) TO HASHMONAH # Nu 33:29 54) TO MOSEROTH OR MOSERA # Nu 33:30 55) TO BENE-JAAKAN # Nu 33:31 56) TO HORHAGIDGAD OR GUDGODAH # Nu 33:32 De 10:7 57) TO JOTBATHAH OR LAND OF RIVERS # Nu 33:33 De 10:7 58) Several of these stations probably revisited # De 10:6,7 Nu 33:30-32 59) TO EBRONAH # Nu 33:34 60) TO EZIONGABER # Nu 33:35 61) TO KADESH IN THE WILDERNESS OF ZIN # Nu 20:1 33:36 Jud 11:16 61a) Miriam dies and is buried # Nu 20:1 61b) Second murmuring for water # Nu 20:2-6 61c) Moses striking the rock instead of speaking to it, disobeys God # Nu 20:7-11 61d) Moses and Aaron punished # Nu 20:12 61e) Called Meribah to commemorate the murmuring # Nu 20:13 27:14 61f) Orders given respecting Edom # De 2:3-6 61g) The king of Edom refuses a passage # Nu 20:14-21 Jud 11:17 62) TO MOUNT HOR # Nu 20:22 33:37 62a) Aaron dies # Nu 20:28,29 33:38,39 62b) Arad conquered # Nu 21:1-3 33:40 62c) Called Hormah # Nu 21:2,3 63) TO ZALMONAH # Nu 33:41 63a) Murmuring of the people # Nu 21:4,5 63b) Fiery serpents sent # Nu 21:6 63c) Brazen serpent raised up # Nu 21:7-9 64) TO PUNON # Nu 33:42 65) TO OBOTH # Nu 21:10 33:43 66) TO IJEABARIM BEFORE MOAB # Nu 21:11 33:44 66a) Orders given respecting Moab # De 2:8,9 67) TO ZARED OR DIBON-GAD # Nu 21:12 33:45 68) TO ALMONDIBLATHAIM # Nu 33:46 69) ACROSS THE BROOK ZERED # De 2:13 69a) Time occupied in going from Kadeshbarnea to this station # De 2:14 69b) Order to pass through Ar # De 2:18 69c) Orders given respecting Ammon # De 2:19 70) ACROSS THE ARNON # Nu 21:13-15 De 2:24 71) TO BEER OR THE WELL # Nu 21:16 72) TO MATTANAH # Nu 21:18 73) TO NAHALIEL # Nu 21:19 74) TO BAMOTH # Nu 21:19 75) TO THE MOUNTAINS OF ABARIM # Nu 21:20 33:47 75a) The Amorites refuse a passage to Israel # Nu 21:21-23 De 2:26-30 75b) Sihon conquered # Nu 21:23-32 De 2:32-36 75c) Og conquered # Nu 21:33-35 De 3:1-11 75d) Reubenites, &c obtained the land taken from the Amorites # Nu 32:1-42 De 3:12-17 76) RETURN TO THE PLAINS OF MOAB # Nu 22:1 33:48,49 76a) Balak sends for Balaam # Nu 22:5,6,15-17 76b) Balaam not permitted to curse Israel # Nu 22:9-41 23:1-24:25 76c) Israel seduced to idolatry, &c by advice of Balaam # Nu 25:1-3 Re 2:14 76d) Israel punished # Nu 25:5,9 76e) Third numbering # Nu 26:1-62 76f) All formerly numbered over twenty years old, except Caleb and Joshua, dead # Nu 26:63-65 14:29 76g) The law of female inheritance settled # Nu 27:1-11 36:1-9 76h) Appointment of Joshua # Nu 27:15-23 76i) Midianites destroyed and Balaam slain # Nu 31:1-54 25:17,18 76j) The law rehearsed # De 1:3 76k) The law written by Moses # De 31:9 76l) Moses beholds Canaan # De 34:1-4 76m) Moses dies and is buried # De 34:5,6 76n) Joshua ordered to cross Jordan # Jos 1:2 76o) Two spies sent to Jericho # Jos 2:1 77) ACROSS THE RIVER JORDAN # Jos 4:10 78) Illustrative of the pilgrimage of the church # So 8:5 1Pe 1:17