- Law of marriage against # Ge 2:24 Mt 19:6
- PERMITTED 2a) By the Mosaic law
# De 24:1
2b) On account of hardness of heart # Mt 19:8 3) Often sought by the Jews # Mic 2:9 Mal 2:14 4) Sought on slight grounds # Mt 5:31 19:3 5) Not allowed to those who falsely accused their wives # De 22:18,19 6) WOMEN 6a) Could obtain # Pr 2:17 Mr 10:12 6b) Could marry after # De 24:2 6c) Responsible for vows after # Nu 30:9 6d) Married after, could not return to first husband # De 24:3,4 Jer 3:1 6e) Afflicted by # Isa 54:4,6 7) Priests not to marry women after # Le 21:14 8) Of servants, regulated by law # Ex 21:7,11 9) Of captives, regulated by law # De 21:13,14 10) Forced on those who had idolatrous wives # Ezr 10:2-17 Ne 13:23,30 11) Jews condemned for love of # Mal 2:14-16 12) Forbidden by Christ except for adultery # Mt 5:32 19:9 13) Prohibition of, offended the Jews # Mt 19:10 14) Illustrative of God’s casting off of the Jewish church # Isa 50:1 Jer 3:8