- The produce of corn, &c # De 22:9 Ps 107:37
- The produce of trees # Ge 1:29 Ec 2:5
- CALLED THE 3a) Fruit of the ground
# Ge 4:3 Jer 7:20
3b) Fruit of the earth # Isa 4:2 3c) Increase of the land # Ps 85:12 4) Given by God # Ac 14:17 5) Preserved to us by God # Mal 3:11 6) REQUIRE 6a) A fruitful land # Ps 107:31 6b) Rain from heaven # Ps 104:13 Jas 5:18 6c) Influence of the sun and moon # De 33:14 7) Produced in their due seasons # Mt 21:41 8) First of, devoted to God # De 26:2 9) DIVIDED INTO 9a) Hasty or precocious # Isa 28:4 9b) Summer fruits # 2Sa 16:1 9c) New and old # So 7:13 9d) Goodly # Jer 11:16 9e) Pleasant # So 4:16 9f) Precious # De 33:14 9g) Evil or bad # Mt 7:17 10) To be waited for with patience # Jas 5:7 11) Often sent as presents # Ge 43:11 12) OFTEN DESTROYED 12a) In God’s anger # Jer 7:20 12b) By blight # Joe 1:12 12c) By locusts, &c # De 28:38,39 Joe 1:4 12d) By enemies # Eze 25:4 12e) By drought # Hag 1:10 13) ILLUSTRATIVE 13a) Of effects of repentance # Mt 3:8 13b) Of works of the Spirit # Ga 5:22,23 Eph 5:9 13c) Of doctrines of Christ # So 2:3 13d) Of good works # Mt 7:17,18 Php 4:17 13e) Of a holy conversation # Pr 12:14 18:20 13f) Of praise # Heb 13:15 13g) Of the example, &c of the godly # Pr 11:30 13h) Of effects of industry # Pr 31:16,31 13i) Of the reward of saints # Isa 3:10 13j) Of the reward of the wicked # Jer 17:9,10 13k) Of converts to the church # Ps 72:16 Joh 4:36 13l) (Bad,) of the conduct and conversation of evil men # Mt 12:33