1. Descended from Canaan’s son, Heth # Ge 10:15
  2. CALLED THE 2a) Sons of Heth

    # Ge 23:3,20

2b) Children of Heth # Ge 23:5 3) One of the seven nations of Canaan # De 7:1 4) Dwelt in Hebron # Ge 23:2,3,19 5) Governed by kings # 1Ki 10:29 2Ki 7:6 6) Land of, promised to Israel # Ge 15:20 Ex 3:8 7) Israel commanded to destroy # De 7:1,2,24 8) Part of their land given to Caleb # Jos 14:13 9) Not entirely destroyed by Israel # Jud 3:5 10) The remnant of, made tributary in the reign of Solomon # 1Ki 9:20,21 11) Luz built in the country of # Jud 1:26 12) INTERMARRIAGES WITH, BY 12a) Esau # Ge 36:2 12b) Solomon # 1Ki 11:1,2 12c) Israel after conquest of Canaan # Jud 3:5,6 12d) Israelites after the captivity # Ezr 9:1 13) Descent from, illustrative of the degradation of the Jews # Eze 16:3 14) Remarkable persons of 14a) Ephron # Ge 49:30 14b) Abimelech # 1Sa 26:6 14c) Uriah # 2Sa 11:6,21