JUDEA, Modern

  1. One of the divisions of the Holy Land under the Romans # Lu 3:1
  2. Comprised the whole of the ancient kingdom of Judah # 1Ki 12:21-24
  3. CALLED 3a) The land of Judah

    # Mt 2:6

3b) Jewry # Da 5:13 Joh 7:1 4) A mountainous district # Lu 1:39,65 5) Parts of, desert # Mt 3:1 Ac 8:26 6) Jerusalem the capital of # Mt 4:25 7) TOWNS OF 7a) Arimathea # Mt 27:57 Joh 19:38 7b) Azotus or Ashdod # Ac 8:40 7c) Bethany # Joh 11:1,18 7d) Bethlehem # Mt 2:1,6,16 7e) Bethphage # Mt 21:1 7f) Emmaus # Lu 24:13 7g) Ephraim # Joh 11:54 7h) Gaza # Ac 8:26 7i) Jericho # Lu 10:30 19:1 7j) Joppa # Ac 9:36 10:5,8 7k) Lydda # Ac 9:32,35,38 8) John the Baptist preached in # Mt 3:1 9) OUR LORD 9a) Born in # Mt 2:1,5,6 9b) Tempted in the wilderness of # Mt 4:1 9c) Frequently visited # Joh 11:7 9d) Often left, to escape persecution # Joh 4:1-3 10) Several Christian churches in # Ac 9:31 1Th 2:14