LOVE to God

LOVE to God

  1. Commanded # De 11:1 Jos 22:5
  2. The first great commandment # Mt 22:38
  3. With all the heart # De 6:5 Mt 22:37
  4. Better than all sacrifices # Mr 12:33
  5. PRODUCED BY 5a) The Holy Spirit

    # Ga 5:22 2Th 3:5

5b) The love of God to us # 1Jo 4:19 5c) Answers to prayer # Ps 116:1 6) Exhibited by Christ # Joh 14:31 7) A characteristic of saints # Ps 5:11 8) SHOULD PRODUCE 8a) Joy # Ps 5:11 8b) Love to saints # 1Jo 5:1 8c) Hatred of sin # Ps 97:10 8d) Obedience to God # De 30:20 1Jo 5:3 9) Perfected in obedience # 1Jo 2:5 10) Perfected, gives boldness # 1Jo 4:17,18 11) God, faithful to those who have # De 7:9 12) THEY WHO HAVE 12a) Are known of him # 1Co 8:3 12b) Are preserved by him # Ps 145:20 12c) Are delivered by him # Ps 91:14 12d) Partake of his mercy # Ex 20:6 De 7:9 12e) Have all things working for their good # Ro 8:28 13) Persevere in # Jude 1:21 14) Exhort one another to # Ps 31:23 15) Pray for # 2Th 3:5 16) The love of the world is a proof of not having # 1Jo 2:15 17) They who love not others, are without # 1Jo 4:20 18) Hypocrites, without # Lu 11:42 Joh 5:42 19) The uncharitable, without # 1Jo 3:17 20) God tries the sincerity of # De 13:3 21) Promises connected with # De 11:13-15 Ps 69:36 Isa 56:6,7 Jas 1:12