1. Condemned by Christ # Lu 9:59-62
  2. Saints avoid # Ps 27:8 119:60
  3. TO BE AVOIDED IN 3a) Hearkening to God

    # Ps 95:7,8 Heb 3:7,8

3b) Seeking God # Isa 55:6 3c) Glorifying God # Jer 13:16 3d) Keeping God’s commandments # Ps 119:60 3e) Making offerings to God # Ex 22:29 3f) Performance of vows # De 23:21 Ec 5:4 4) MOTIVES FOR AVOIDING 4a) The present the accepted time # 2Co 6:2 4b) The present the best time # Ec 12:1 4c) The uncertainty of life # Pr 27:1 5) Danger of illustrated # Mt 5:25 Lu 13:25 6) Exemplified 6a) Lot # Ge 19:16 6b) Felix # Ac 24:25