1. Exhibited in the manifestation of God’s grace # Eph 1:8
  2. Exemplified by Christ # Isa 52:13 Mt 21:24-27 22:15-21
  3. Intimately connected with wisdom # Pr 8:12
  4. The wise celebrated for # Pr 16:21
  5. THEY WHO HAVE 5a) Get knowledge

    # Pr 18:15

5b) Deal with knowledge # Pr 13:16 5c) Look well to their goings # Pr 14:15 5d) Understand the ways of God # Ho 14:9 5e) Understand their own ways # Pr 14:8 5f) Crowned with knowledge # Pr 14:18 5g) Not ostentatious of knowledge # Pr 12:23 5h) Foresee and avoid evil # Pr 22:3 5i) Are preserved by it # Pr 2:11 5j) Suppress angry feelings # Pr 12:16 19:11 5k) Regard reproof # Pr 15:5 5l) Keep silence in the evil time # Am 5:13 6) Saints act with # Ps 112:5 7) Saints should especially exercise, in their intercourse with unbelievers # Mt 10:16 Eph 5:15 Col 4:5 8) Virtuous wives act with # Pr 31:16,26 9) The young should cultivate # Pr 3:21 10) OF THE WICKED 10a) Fails in times of perplexity # Jer 49:7 10b) Keeps them from the knowledge of the gospel # Mt 11:25 10c) Denounced by God # Isa 5:21 29:15 10d) Defeated by God # Isa 29:14 1Co 1:19 10e) Necessity for-Illustrated # Mt 25:3,9 Lu 14:28-32 11) Exemplified 11a) Jacob # Ge 32:3-23 11b) Joseph # Ge 41:39 11c) Jethro # Ex 18:19-23 11d) Gideon # Jud 8:1-3 11e) David # 1Sa 16:18 11f) Abigail # 1Sa 25:23-31 2Sa 15:32-34 17:6-14 11g) Aged counsellors of Rehoboam # 1Ki 12:7 11h) Solomon # 2Ch 2:12 11i) Nehemiah # Ne 2:12-16 4:13-18 11j) The Poor Wise Man # Ec 9:15 11k) The Scribe # Mr 12:32-34 11l) Gamaliel # Ac 5:34-39 11m) Sergius Paulus # Ac 13:7 11n) Paul # Ac 23:6