- Is an abomination # Jer 7:9,10
- Forbidden # Ex 20:15 Mr 10:19 Ro 13:9
- From the poor specially forbidden # Pr 22:2
- Includes fraud in general # Le 19:13
- Includes fraud concerning wages # Le 19:13 Mal 3:5 Jas 5:4
- Proceeds from the heart # Mt 15:19
- Defiles a man # Mt 15:20
- THE WICKED 8a) Addicted to
# Ps 119:61
8b) Store up the fruits of # Am 3:10 8c) Lie in wait to commit # Ho 6:9 8d) Commit, under shelter of the night # Job 24:14 Ob 1:5 8e) Consent to show who commit # Ps 50:18 8f) Associate with those who commit # Isa 1:23 8g) May, for a season, prosper in # Job 12:6 8h) Plead excuses for # Jer 7:9,10 8i) Repent not of # Re 9:21 8j) Destroy themselves by # Pr 21:7 9) Connected with murder # Jer 7:9 Ho 4:2 10) Shame follows the detection of # Jer 2:26 11) Brings a curse on those who commit it # Ho 4:2,3 Zec 5:3,4 Mal 3:5 12) Brings the wrath of God upon those who commit it # Eze 22:29,31 13) Excludes from heaven # 1Co 6:10 14) THEY WHO CONNIVE AT 14a) Hate their own souls # Pr 29:24 14b) Shall be reproved of God # Ps 50:18,21 15) Mosaic law respecting # Ex 22:1-8 16) SAINTS 16a) Warned against # Eph 4:28 1Pe 4:15 17) All earthly treasure exposed to # Mt 6:19 18) Heavenly treasure secure from # Mt 6:20 Lu 12:33 19) Woe denounced against # Isa 10:2 Na 3:1 20) Illustrates the guilt of false teachers # Jer 23:30 Joh 10:1,8,10 21) Exemplified 21a) Rachel # Ge 31:19 21b) Achan # Jos 7:21 21c) Shechemites # Jud 9:25 21d) Micah # Jud 17:2