Titles and Names of Saints
Titles and Names of Saints
- Believers # Ac 5:14 1Ti 4:12
- Beloved of God # Ro 1:7
- Beloved brethren # 1Co 15:58 Jas 2:5
- Blessed of the Lord # Ge 24:31 26:29
- Blessed of the Father # Mt 25:34
- Brethren # Mt 23:8 Ac 12:17
- Brethren of Christ # Lu 8:21 Joh 20:17
- Called of Jesus Christ # Ro 1:6
- Children of the Lord # De 14:1
- Children of God # Joh 11:52 1Jo 3:10
- Children of the Living God # Ro 9:26
- Children of the Father # Mt 5:45
- Children of the Highest # Lu 6:35
- Children of Abraham # Ga 3:7
- Children of Jacob # Ps 105:6
- Children of promise # Ro 9:8 Ga 4:28
- Children of the free-woman # Ga 4:31
- Children of the kingdom # Mt 13:38
- Children of Zion # Ps 149:2 Joe 2:23
- Children of the bride-chamber # Mt 9:15
- Children of light # Lu 16:8 Eph 5:8 1Th 5:5
- Children of the day # 1Th 5:5
- Children of the resurrection # Lu 20:36
- Chosen generation # 1Pe 2:9
- Chosen ones # 1Ch 16:13
- Chosen vessels # Ac 9:15
- Christians # Ac 11:26 26:28
- Dear children # Eph 5:1
- Disciples of Christ # Joh 8:31 15:8
- Elect of God # Col 3:12 Tit 1:1
- Epistles of Christ # 2Co 3:3
- Excellent, The # Ps 16:3
- Faithful brethren in Christ # Col 1:2
- Faithful, The # Ps 12:1
- Faithful of the land # Ps 101:6
- Fellow-citizens with the saints # Eph 2:19
- Fellow-heirs # Eph 3:6
- Fellow-servants # Re 6:11
- Friends of God # 2Ch 20:7 Jas 2:23
- Friends of Christ # Joh 15:15
- Godly, The # Ps 4:3 2Pe 2:9
- Heirs of God # Ro 8:17 Ga 4:7
- Heirs of the grace of life # 1Pe 3:7
- Heirs of the kingdom # Jas 2:5
- Heirs of promise # Heb 6:17 Ga 3:29
- Heirs of salvation # Heb 1:14
- Holy brethren # 1Th 5:27 Heb 3:1
- Holy nation # Ex 19:6 1Pe 2:9
- Holy people # De 26:19 Isa 62:12
- Holy priesthood # 1Pe 2:5
- Joint-heirs with Christ # Ro 8:17
- Just, The # Hab 2:4
- Kings and priests to God # Re 1:6
- Kingdom of priests # Ex 19:6
- Lambs # Isa 40:11 Joh 21:15
- Lights of the world # Mt 5:14
- Little children # Joh 13:33 1Jo 2:1
- Lively stones # 1Pe 2:5
- Members of Christ # 1Co 6:15 Eph 5:30
- Men of God # De 33:1 1Ti 6:11 2Ti 3:17
- Obedient children # 1Pe 1:14
- Peculiar people # De 14:2 Tit 2:14 1Pe 2:9
- Peculiar treasure # Ex 19:5 Ps 135:4
- People of God # Heb 4:9 1Pe 2:10
- People near to God # Ps 148:14
- People saved by the Lord # De 33:29
- Pillars in the temple of God # Re 3:12
- Ransomed of the Lord # Isa 35:10
- Redeemed of the Lord # Isa 51:11
- Royal priesthood # 1Pe 2:9
- Salt of the earth # Mt 5:13
- Servants of Christ # 1Co 7:22 Eph 6:6
- Servants of righteousness # Ro 6:18
- Sheep of Christ # Joh 10:1-16 21:16
- Sojourners with God # Le 25:23 Ps 39:12
- Sons of God # Joh 1:12 Php 2:15 1Jo 3:1,2
- The Lord’s freemen # 1Co 7:22
- Trees of righteousness # Isa 61:3
- Vessels to honour # 2Ti 2:21
- Vessels of mercy # Ro 9:23
- Witnesses for God # Isa 44:8