America was NOT founded on business

by Glen on 2001-09-21 00:31:32

I heard a speaker on the radio say a few days ago that “America was founded on business”. He was making that false statement to pursuade listeners that his topic was worthy of their attention – especially in this time of heightened patriotism.

Don’t be fooled. Business is not what drew the pilgrims here. Freedom from religious persecution was one of the larger aspirations. They started with nothing, and most of them died in the first Winter. Something deeper and more relevant than business moves a person to risk their very life. The ability to live and raise their families in a land free from the tyrrany of a meddling, religiously oppressive government and State Church was what most of the early settlers were after.

A lot of people will twist reality to manipulate people to follow their cause. Don’t be gullible. Think!

Now, do you believe this article is true?