Grains 1 Servings


1/3 lb Kalamata olives
1/4 ts Fennel seed; lightly crushed
1 Strip orange peel
1 Garlic clove; peeled and smashed
1/2 c Red wine; or enough to barely cover olives


San Francisco event planner Allison Rodman got the recipe for these warm
seasoned olives from a former Bay Area caterer.
INSTRUCTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine all ingredients in an ovenproof ramekin. Bake until the olives are
hot, about 15 minutes. Cool 5 minutes before serving.
Serves 8.
©1998 San Francisco Chronicle Page 1/ZZ1
Posted to CHILE-HEADS DIGEST by Judy Howle <howle@ebicom.net> on Apr 19,

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