
Chilean 96feb, Condiment 1 Servings


1 Head garlic; peeled
6 Hot green cayenne chile peppers; stemmed, chopped
1 sm Bunch cilantro; finely chopped
4 Tomatoes; peeled — fine chopped
2 tb Olive oil
1/4 ts Ground cumin
Salt to taste


These came out of the Jan/Feb 96 Chile Pepper Magazine written by Barb &
Ron Kroll. I can't say that I've tried any of them. Hope they help.
Grind the garlic and the chiles in a mortar or food processor to form a
paste.  Combine the cilantro and tomatoes with the chile paste.  Mix in the
oil, cumin and salt and let sit for an hour to blend the flavors.
Yield: 1/2 cup, Heat Scale: Hot
Posted to CHILE-HEADS DIGEST V3 #138
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 05:29:12 -0700
From: "Carl & Joyce Camper" <chateaustripmin@mcn.net>
NOTES : This is one of many variations for the traditional Chilean hot

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