American Appetizers 3 Servings



Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 00:20:42 -0400
From: BobbieB1@aol.com
Wrap 1 inch cubes of sharp process American cheese in partially cooked
slices of bacon.  Wash fresh mushrooms, don't soak or peel, or use canned
mushroom crowns.  Alternate bacon cheese cubes and mushrooms on skewers
along with stuffed green olives and cocktail weiners. Leave a little space
between tidbits on the skewer.  Rotate over coals till bacon and mushrooms
are done and cheese is melty.  Brush mushrooms with melted butter or
margarine, or salad oil while cooking. Tastes good with catsup, mustard or
soy sauce added.
From: Randy Rigg                      Date: 10 Feb 96
Posted to MealMaster Recipes List, Digest #143

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