Dairy, Eggs Bread 4 Servings


2/3 c Unbleached flour; unsifted
1/4 ts Salt
2 ts Sugar
1/2 c Milk
4 lg Eggs; beaten
1/2 ts Flavoring of your choice; vanilla; lemon, orange, maple or rum
1/4 c Butter or margarine
1/4 ts Cinnamon
2 c Apple slices
2 tb Sugar


Sift together the flour, 2 t sugar, and the salt. Beat eggs and milk and
flavoring together. Gradually add flour mixture; beat until smooth. Saute
apples in 1/4 c of butter until tender. Mix 2 T sugar and the cinnamon
together; toss with apples. Melt 2 T butter in a 6-inch diameter, deep
frypan. Pour in the batter to a depth of about 1/4-inch. When set, place
1/4 of the apples on top; cover with more batter. Place pancake in a
preheated oven at 325'F. for 20 minutes or until lightly browned on top.
Remove from oven with great caution because frypan is extremely hot. Keep
warm. Repeat the procedure 3 times, until all batter and apples are used.
Can make one large pancake or 3 small. Serve immediately.
From rec.food.cooking archives.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe Archive,

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