Eggs, Grains Cakes 6 Servings


2 1/3 c Thick well-drained apple sauce
1 c Shortening
4 Eggs, well beaten
1 c Whole wheat flour
4 ts Baking soda
1 c Nuts, broken
3 ts Cinnamon
1 ts Mace
1 ts Allspice
1 ts Cloves
2 ts Nutmeg
2/3 c Molasses
2 c Brown sugar
6 tb Lemon juice
4 c White flour
1 3/4 ts Salt
2 lb Seeded raisins
1/4 lb Citron, thinly sliced


Cream sugar and shortening.  Add apple sauce, which has been sieved to
remove all lumps, molasses, eggs, and lemon juice. Sift white flour,
measure, and sift with baking soda, salt, and spices. Dredge raisins in
whole wheat flour.  Add white flour mixture to batter gradually. Beat
thoroughly.  Add dredged raisins. Put a layer of the batter into a
paper-lined baking pan. Add a layer of citron and nuts, cover with a layer
of the batter. Repeat, having the top layer of the batter. Bake in a slow
oven (300 to 325 F) about 2 hours. Mrs. S.F. Caruso, Laurel, MT.
From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster collection at www.synapse.com/~gemini

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