
Fruits, Dairy, Eggs Swiss Fruits, Swiss 1 Tart


750 g Apricots; ripe fresh or frozen
1 1/2 dl Cream
10 g Vanilla sugar
4 Eggs
120 g Sugar
1 pn Salt
Icing sugar


(Units: 1000 g = 36 oz., 1 oz = 28 g, 1 in = 25.4 mm, 1 dl = 3.5 fl oz)
Wash the apricots, cut into halves and remove stones.
Arrange the apricot halves, skin uppermost, in a gratin dish in 2 layers,
sprinkling some sugar between the layers.
Mix the eggs, sugar, salt, vanilla sugar and cream together.
Cover the apricots with this mixture.
Bake in a bain-marie for 30-40 minutes at 180 oC.
Dust with icing sugar and serve from the dish.
Note : Serve hot or cold with a little whipped cream.
Culinary Art and Traditions of Switzerland, Pro Gastronomia, 1992
Typed for you by Rene Gagnaux @ 2:301/212.19

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