
Vegetables, Grains Italian Main dish, Italian, Pasta, Vegetarian 4 Servings


4 Fresh beets with greens
1/2 ts Salt
1 Red onion, chopped
1 Hot banana pepper, chopped
2 Garlic cloves, chopped
1 c Walnuts, toasted
Black pepper


Trim & wash beets.  Leave 1" stem, steam till tender. When beets are
cooked, slip skins off under cool water & set aside. Remove leaves from
stems & discard stems. Wash & dry leaves, chop coarsely. In a skillet, cook
onions, banana pepper & garlic in 1/3 c olive oil till softened. Add beet
greens & cook 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer to a processor & puree with the
cooked beets, cut into quarters.  Add rest of ingredients & puree again,
adding more olive oil if necessary. The pesto keeps refrigerated for 2
weeks or freezes. You can add parmesan cheese if you wish.
"The Hamilton Spectator", Spetember 15, 1993.

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