Eggs 1 Servings


Pastry for a 2 crust 9 inch pie
1 c Sugar
1 ds Salt
3 tb Cornstarch
1/2 c Cider; boiled
1 Egg; beaten
1 tb Melted butter or margarine
1 1/2 c Boiling water
2 c Thinly sliced apples


In this morning's Syracuse Post-Standard there were several recipes that I
would like to share with you. They seemed to be different from what I have
seen here.
Roll out pastry for bottom crust and fit into 9 inch pie pan. Combine
sugar, salt and cornstarch, add boiled cider and blend well. Add egg and
melted butter. Stir in boiling water. Spread apples in bottom of prepared
pie pan. Pour cider mixture on top. Cover with top crust. Crimp and seal
edges of crust. Cut a couple of slashes in top crust to allow steam to
escape. Bake at 425 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes. Cool to warm before
Author: Ruth Kerr
Posted to EAT-L Digest  by Sue Albro <SALBRO@OCMVM.CNYRIC.ORG> on Dec 18,

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“Prayer: Don’t give God instructions — just report for duty!”

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