
Seafood, Meats Chinese Seafood 8 Servings


12 Dried oysters
1/2 lb Pork
Water to cover
1 Or
2 Cloves garlic
1 Scallion stalk
1 tb Sugar
3 tb Soy sauce
2 tb Sherry
1/2 c Oyster soaking liquid
2 tb Oil
2 c Water


1. Soak dried oysters (reserve soaking liquid).
2. Place pork in water and boil 15 minutes; discard liquid.
3. Cut meat in 1-inch cubes. Mince soaked oysters. Crush garlic. Cut
scallion stalk in 1-inch sections.
4. Combine sugar, soy sauce, sherry and oyster-soaking liquid.
5. Heat oil. Stir-fry garlic and scallions to brown lightly. Add pork
cubes; stir-fry to brown lightly.
6. Add sugar-soy mixture and minced oysters. Cook, stirring, 1 minute.
7. Add remaining water. Bring to a boil; then simmer, covered, until pork
and oysters are tender (about 30 minutes). VARIATION: In step 7, after the
water boils, add 6 water chestnuts, sliced.
From <The Thousand Recipe Chinese Cookbook>, ISBN 0-517-65870-4. Downloaded
from Glen's MM Recipe Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.

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