Dairy, Eggs Welsh 1 Servings


2 lb Cream cheese
1 tb Flour
4 Eggs
1/2 ts Vanilla
2 tb Grand Marnier
1 1/2 ts Orange rind; finely grated
1 c Raspberries
Finely ground almonds
1 c Sour cream
3 1/2 tb Sugar
1 ts Vanilla
Sliced almonds
Flavored; (Grand Marnier) whipped cream


Beat cream cheese until light. Add 1 3/4 cups sugar slowly, followed by the
flour. Add eggs one at a time. Add vanilla and Grand Marnier. Fold in
orange rind, then raspberries.
Butter 10" spring-form pan and coat with ground almonds. pour batter into
pan. Set pan onto aluminum foil, pulling foil up to form a collar. Set in
Bain marie (water bath) and bake 325° for 1-1/2 hours. Cover with foil if
it starts to brown. Remove from oven and remove foil collar, let rest for
ten minutes. Combine sour cream, sugar and vanilla and spread gently on top
of cheesecake. Bake for 15 minutes (sans water bath). Remove from oven and
Chill at least 3 hours, preferably overnight. Just before serving, cover
sides with sliced almonds and garnish with berries and whipped cream.
Source: http://www.foodwine.com/food/foodday
Posted to recipelu-digest Volume 01 Number 525 by "Noreen Welsh"
<Noreen@iname.com> on Jan 14, 1998

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