Eggs Jewish Cookies, Jewish 48 Servings


3 Eggs
1 c Sugar
3/4 c Oil
2 ts Baking Powder
3 c Flour; Approximately
1/2 c Cinnamon-Sugar


Combine eggs, sugar, oil, and blend well. Stir in dry ingredients (use just
enough flour to make a soft dough). Roll pieces of dough into long,
pencil-thick rolls. Dip in cinnamon-sugar. Twist into figure 8's. Place on
a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake at 375F for 10 to 12 minutes. Yield:
about 4 dozen. "Second Helpings, Please!" Mount Sinai Chapter #1091, B'nai
Brith Women, Montreal, Canada, 1968
Note: My mother made these soft cinnamon cookies for us when we were small.
I carried on the tradition with my sons who loved to roll the cookies into
their own special shapes and coat them lavishly with the cinnamon-sugar
Recipe by: "Second Helpings, Please"
Posted to TNT - Prodigy's Recipe Exchange Newsletter  by Bob & Carole
Walberg <walbergr@mb.sympatico.ca> on Dec 06, 1997

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